July 26, 2012

ten weeks


This week has been quite the week.  Nothing crazy or insane happened, it was just, well, long, and tough.  And I know its the hormones, but I'm struggling.  And after about 4-5 interrupted hours of sleep last night, I have zero idea how I'm going to handle a newborn...

Anyway, my appointment that was supposed to be last Friday, was moved to today, because they were hoping they would hear the heartbeat on the doppler in the office.  Mind you I wasn't worried about that at all, since I've found it myself three times this past week.  Well, I still had a mini panic attack in the office when the doc couldn't find it.  I was sure I'd lost the baby in the last two days.  Thankfully she isn't one to just say better luck next time, and sent me straight to the ultrasound room.  Even though it was a bit stressful for a minute there, I was thankful to get a peek at the baby again.  And he/she is doing absolutely fine.  The little arms and legs were moving around, and the heartbeat was strong right around 160.  Such a relief.

AND I was cleared to run a half marathon in October :o).  I'm not so sure Chris is excited about that, but I definitely am.  Obviously I will listen to my body and back down if I can't handle it, but I'm so happy to have something to train for, and it will be such an accomplishment for me if I can succeed.

how far along:  10 weeks

size of babyaccording to the bump a prune, about 1.2 inches long and weighing .14 ounces.  Still so itty bitty!  Baby has working arm joints, has developed all of their vital organs and starting to swallow and kick in there.

weight gain: -3.5 pounds.  Only lost half a pound this week, which is a good thing.  I thought I'd start gaining, because I thought I was starting to feel better, but I was wrong...

maternity clothes:  nope

symptoms:  Last week it really seemed like I was on the way out of some of the gross feeling.  But now?  I wake up feeling pretty much ok, but my 4pm I have a major headache, I want to puke, and pretty much keel over and die.  Which is really appealing for Christopher to come home to.  I also get dizzy and feel like I'm going to pass out a lot, which is just simply annoying.  Thankfully I still haven't thrown up at all yet.

exercise: Thankfully not feeling gross in the mornings, meant I hit the gym SIX times this week.  Yes, I'm patting myself on the back.  I know there are plenty of women who still exercise like crazy while pregnant, but seeing as I didn't do a damn thing last time around, going to the gym six times seems like a pretty amazing feat.  Only two real runs this week, but one of them was seven miles.  Not too shabby.  It felt great to get in some distance.  I also had a 4.25 mile run, a 3.15 mile run/walk, 3 mile walk, 2 mile walk, 2 mile bike ride and a 7 mile bike ride.

cravings/aversions:  Let me tell you, I am craving all things healthy... NOT.  Strawberry shortcake, doughnuts, apple turnovers, a molten from Chili's, those all sound amazing.  For the most part my serious make me want to vomit food aversions are subsiding a bit, but still nothing really sounds wonderful.  And occasionally I'll sit down to eat something and I just can't do it, it seems too gross or my stomach is just too blah.

movement:  nope

sleep:  !*%&!$%*!&$*&%$#  That is how I feel about sleep this week.

gender:  Whenever I want to talk about the baby, my brain says she.  But I still don't really believe it is a girl.  Most likely we are going to have a boy, that is what I'm thinking.

looking forward to:  Not feeling like crap anymore.  The end of the first trimester is in sight!

worries: It was a rough week, and now I'm terrified to have two children.  I could barely function, and was irritated with Ryann when she woke up early.  What am I going to do when I am sleep deprived with a toddler AND a newborn?  Hold me.

what's different this time:  Going to doctor's appointments mostly by myself or with Ryann.  Chris didn't go to all of them last time, but he made a good effort.  I'm not sure we'll even be able to get him to the 'big' ultrasound.

milestones:  Double digit weeks!

best moment this week: Seeing a healthy little baby wiggling on the ultrasound.  Sweet relief.

Baby J 2.0 on the ultrasound at 10 Weeks

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