September 6, 2012

dear ryann

Dear Ryann,

So lately I've been dwelling on a lot of your habits that tend to drive me nuts.  You know, your inability to sleep in, your extreme picky eating, your tedency to freak out if our plans change from what I've previously told you, and your obsession with things being just so.  But here is the thing my dear.  You are your mother's daughter.

I think I can count the number of times I've truly slept in on one hand.  I was always the first one awake at sleepovers and slumber parties.  If I sleep until 7am it is a miracle.  I pretty much ate buttered noodles, chicken fingers and apples with peanut butter until I was in college (and even then I was super picky).  I'm obsessed with making plans and having schedules, and panic a bit if someone changes it up on me.  Just ask your dad about my rules about loading the dishwasher, that might explain your need for all of your important stuff being exactly how you like it.

We are so much alike it is scary.  I still see a lot of your Daddy in you, and a little of your Auntie Lorin (someone hold me), but I see a hell of a lot of me.  No wonder we often butt heads.  And I'm sure we will for as long as I'm alive.  Hopefully some of your Daddy's semi carefree personality will rub off a bit more, and you'll have a little more optimism in your life than I do.  But I know you will grow up to be a strong and driven girl, and an even stronger woman.  So I'll try and cut you some slack, and remember your needs and how you function, and do as much reading as I can on parenting a strong willed child.

Yesterday I set up my tripod so we could play the 'beep game' (set the timer and run in the shot), and with my camera on the tripod you got to be in charge a bit.  Holy cow did that make these shots of the two of us so much easier, and much much more fun.  You were on top of the world, getting to peek through the viewfinder, focusing, pushing the button and jumping in the picture.  And even though there wasn't too much you could change, I'd say you did a pretty good job of getting us in the middle of the picture.  You were the boss, and you were so dang happy :o).  So here is a bunch of the pictures, because I couldn't just pick a few.  You're really REALLY starting to understand this whole posing for the camera thing.


Girlfriend, I love you.  And all of your ridiculous habits.  AND all of your crazy faces.  I just wanted you to know.

Linking up with Emily and Embrace the Camera today!  If you're a mama and you've never 'embrace the camera', you should definitely hop over to Emily's blog and read more about it.  I'm so thankful we've done it. 


  1. She has the cutest little animated face ever!! You guys made chuckle to myself a few times and now everyone on the bus thinks I'm crazy. Oh well, they may be right.

    Have a great day.


  2. Those pics are hilarious! I need to use my tripod more and oh I don't know, actually get in some pictures with my kids. Ya know as proof that I existed during their childhood.

    PS- totally get the dishwasher thing, I am the same way...there is an EXACT way to load a dishwasher to maximize space and sanitation, why doesn't everyone (or just my husband) understand this!!

  3. Great pictures! She's so funny! If it makes you feel better, I've got the same 'problem' with my 7 year old daughter. The things that drive me insane about her are the things she got from me. It makes ME feel better to know I'm not the only one.

  4. What a touching post. Your daughter will love looking back on these posts and seeing all the beautiful things her mother had to say about her.


  5. Those are great pictures! Her faces are adorable. And that is such a sweet little letter. I should really remember to write my son one someday soon.

  6. i need a tripod.

    i need to learn tips from you girl. i'm so crazy anal about lists, i get majorly anxious when things don't go as planned and don't get me started about loading the dishwasher ;0) you make this being a mom thing look so easy. it's such a struggle for me to keep things together and to just do it all. i feel like i need to be everything to everybody all while everything looking and all "pinterest like" ;0) ugh, it drives me nuts!

    these pictures are way beyond adorable and i always love your blog posts. :0)

  7. These are fabulous! And the tripod idea: why have I never thought of that? I'm trying that next week!

  8. Loveeee these so much! And it is SO true that what drives you nuts the most about your children are probably the habits/tendencies they have inherited from us!! Like Annie's CONSTANT negotiations and questions and need for control?? Ummmm yeah. :)
