December 7, 2012
twenty-nine weeks
written December 6th
Thank you so so much for all of your stories, tips and encouragement on yesterday's post. I wasn't sure how it would go over, but I should have known that you'd all be great. I'm pretty sure I have the sweetest group of readers there is. THANK YOU.
how far along: 29 weeks (compare to 29 weeks with Ryann)
size of baby: according to the bump an acorn squash, between 15.2-16.7 inches long and weighing somewhere between 2.5-3.8 pounds. I feel like every week the bump just tells me she is getting fatter. Oh well. Go baby go, get all squishy and cute!
weight gain: 16.2 pounds. I gained .8 pounds this week. Which if you follow me on instagram you would know that is some sort of miracle. There was lots of cookie baking and eating this past week. Whoops.
maternity clothes: Yep.
symptoms: Burny burps. At least that is what I told Chris :o). I don't have constant heartburn or anything, but a couple of times a day if I happen to burp it burns a lot. Still dealing with the restless leg thing at night. And now my right calf muscle is always tight. I'm drinking tons of water, trying to stretch, using a heating pad, eating bananas. That stupid thing just won't stay loose. I'm also just uncomfortable most of the time. Nauseous in the mornings again, mostly when I'm driving in the car (I think because of the position I'm sitting in or something). BUT, as much as that is all annoying, when people ask me how I'm feeling, I can't really say that bad.
exercise: Four workouts. I only covered 8.1 miles (plus 10 minutes on the arc trainer), but I actually finished 3.5 miles with a 12:45 minute pace. That felt AWESOME. And I also got in two mornings with Jillian. So all in all, not a bad week.
cravings/aversions: Give me cookies and chicken salad sandwiches.
movement: She hasn't been quite as, crazy I guess, this week. The movements have been a little slower and not so jabby (but still PLENTY of movement). But I'm impressed at how wedged into places she can get. Something can be digging into my ribcage while something else is slamming into my hip bone. I don't know how she is going to fit in there for 10+ more weeks.
sleep: I'm up at least once a night to pee. And this week I had one night where I could. not. sleep. I was pretty much up for the day at 2:30am. Not cool, not cool at all. I think it is about time I bust out my snoogle (gigantic pregnancy pillow). I've been avoiding it because it is huge and so annoying if you want to turn over or anything. But I think my body needs some more support.
gender: Girl.
looking forward to: Decorating gingerbread houses with my bestie this weekend.
worries: That I'm not going to finish everything on my to-do list before this little girl arrives. Which really is not the end of the world and most likely going to be the case. But I'm stressing about it.
what's different this time: I see that now was when I started having possible blood pressure issues with Ry, not last week. But I think Christopher and I have decided a lot of my symptoms are more than likely caused by silent migraines as opposed to blood pressure issues. I was feeling pretty nauseous and seeing 'sparkles' the other night so he took my blood pressure. It was only 110/60 or something. But I have been having headache issues. Also? I think my belly button might pop out this time...
milestones: Another week down.
best moment this week: Ummm... I can't really think of too much right now pregnancy or baby related. Ryann is still being super sweet with babies, her baby dolls and my belly, and that is really making me excited to see her interact with her sister. What I have loved this week is that Ryann is starting to really draw 'things'. Like circles with eyes, a nose, a mouth, arms and legs. And she can write an A, H and a T pretty consistently. It is pretty awesome to watch her advance to these things and she is so proud of herself.
Have you tried taking magnesium for your calf muscles...since I started that it is so much better!
ReplyDeleteFor restless leg you should try putting a bar of ivory soap under your fitted sheet. I know it sounds crazy but it worked for me when I was pregnant!
ReplyDeleteYou look amazing mama! I love reading your updates. We'll have to keep in touch when the time gets closer. =)
ReplyDeleteAlso, I feel you on the sleep. I'm having a hard time getting good sleep lately. Up at 2:30...I know the feeling.
Hope the BP stays down and your legs ease up!
I came across your blog while researching running and pregnancy. I am about 7 weeks with me 4th! (yes I am crazy) and started running about 5 months ago, losing 30 lbs. So I am hoping to keep it up! I hope you don't mind but I would love to steal you blog outline for my maternity book I am doing ;-)