May 18, 2013

hello happy place.


Sigh.  There is just something so relaxing about this place.  Even if I don't get to do a whole lot of relaxing myself (of course the parents do a pretty good job of making life easier on me though!).  The girls and I traveled with my mom here on Thursday, Papa was here waiting for us, and the rest of the family gets in tonight.  I'm hoping for an amazingly wonderful vacation!

So I was just popping in to say hello.  Not sure how much I'll be around this week.  But thanks to more than one request I'm working on rounding up some of my travel tips for a post.  Please, please tell me what you want to hear about!  I will say I'm a chronic overpacker and I've never traveled with Ryann let alone both the girls by myself, so I have no experience in that department.  But hopefully after many many trips with kids I have picked up a few helpful bits of travel knowledge.

If you need me I'll be sunning my skin on the beach.

Or trying to get Elsie to take a nap.

Or attempting to convince the toddler to behave.

Same difference, right?


  1. I'm so jealous! I love reading your blog your girls are beyond beautiful!! I'm an 8th grade teacher and we get out in 5 days... I'm ready for a much needed vaca myself! :)

  2. Love st Simons! Enjoy! I would love to hear how you handle sleeping arrangements when traveling. Did you bring the RnP for E? Where will ryann sleep? Separate room in own bed? And how do you get her to take a break and nap during vacation? This is a huge struggle for me and my 3 year old!! Thanks!!
