June 28, 2013

five years

Five years ago today I woke up well before my alarm.  I laid there in bed staring at my ceiling, making a list in my mind of the million things I still had left to do (have I mentioned I'm a HUGE procrastinator?).  I rolled out of bed, took a shower, and scrambled around the house doing this or that.  I was surrounded by my family and friends.  The morning was hectic, and stressful, and absolutely wonderful.  All those people I loved right there with me.

Eventually we were all ready, the limo finally showed up, and we headed to the church.  With a pit stop on the side of the road for photo ops in front of a corn field of course.  We snuck our way into the church so my groom wouldn't see me.  My stomach was a ball of nerves, I was so excited, and so anxious.  I listened to the prelude music, and heard the hum of guests filling the church.  I couldn't believe my wedding day was here.  Everything was a blur.  Suddenly it was time, we lined up outside the sanctuary.  One by one the couples made their way down the aisle.  I smiled when everyone laughed, the flower girl was taking her sweet time with the rose petals, and the ring bearer gave up and left her.  Then it was just my bestie, my dad and me.  She gave me one last squeeze before heading into the church.  I slid my arm around my dad's elbow, gave him a smile.  We stepped into the doorway.

And for a moment time stopped.  I can't remember exactly what everything looked like, what Chris's face looked like, but the feeling that I got?  I'll never forget.  My eyes met his and all of my joy and excitement and love collided into one place.  Everything else disappeared out of the room, and all I felt was pure happiness.


Today I get to celebrate five years of marriage with my better half.  We've grown up together.  I was 15 when we met, just a baby.  We've been through a lot.  High school, college, med school, residency.  We moved to Kansas City, we bought a house, we had two babies.  During all of which we've certainly had our ups and downs.  Right now our relationship isn't where I want it to be.  We're both spread pretty thin, and haven't made each other a top priority.  In spite of that, I love you, Christopher, even more than the day I married you.  You make my world go round, I don't know what I'd do without you.  I'm honored and overjoyed to celebrate many more years together.

Happy Anniversary.

Sorry for the excess of photos.  The lovely Adrienne Maples captured the day so well, and it was hard to narrow down some to put in the post.  I figured since it was somewhat of a milestone anniversary I was allowed :o). 


  1. Happy Anniversary! Beautiful pictures!!

  2. happy anniversary! gorgeous pics! hope you get to celebrate somewhere lovely tonight!

  3. Happy Happy Anniversary!! You were such a beautiful bride and you two are so sweet and funny together.

    I had no idea of your background story... me and my hubby met when we were 14. We did it all too, med school, residency, now fellowship, two babies. Oh hang in there mama... I know what the "too thin" feels like all too well.

    Tomorrow is Michael's first day off in almost 4 weeks. Add in three conferences out of state for days at a time over the last two months and I am spent.

  4. PS - I love reading your blog and I promise to be a better commenter.

  5. What a beautiful wedding! Congrats on five years. :)
