June 20, 2013

this and that

It has been a while since I've had a chance to sit down and get out some randomness.  So instead of cleaning anything here you go...

::  I took a picture of Ryann on the first day of MDO and the last day.  I can definitely see the change from toddler to little girl...


::  Our trips to the gym might have come to a sudden stop.  Yesterday when I picked up Elsie she had a mark on her arm, a bruise of some sort.  At first glance I thought it was a bite mark, but you can't see any teeth.  And she was in the baby area, where the majority of them don't even have teeth.  It is possible that she sucked on her arm or something, and did it to herself, but I have no idea.  And neither do the girls from the childcare center.  I've worked in childcare before.  I completely understand that stuff happens to kids even when you're watching them.  But she is four months old.  It's not like she was getting into something or provoked anyone.  Again, it is entirely possibly she did it herself, but if she was sucking on her arm furiously enough to leave a bruise someone should have noticed or have an explanation.  I don't know.  It just breaks my heart to think someone or something could hurt her when she is much too small to defend herself.

::  Which leads me to a question, if you're a nursing mama, and you workout in the morning, how do you go about it?  Elsie has slept through the night more times than she hasn't in the last two weeks (HAPPY DANCE HAPPY DANCE HAPPY DANCE), getting up sometime between 5:45-6:30 to eat.  That is fine and dandy, but if we aren't going to the gym, the best way to get my workout in is before Christopher heads to work.  I'm ok getting up between 5:15-5:30 to go for a run, but what do I do about my rock hard boobs?  And the fact that I never know when she is going to wake up?  Do I just pump every morning and if she gets up Chris can feed her?  Why I can't figure these kinds of things out on my own I have no idea :o).

::  And here is where I insert a couple of cute pictures of Elsie just because...


::  With summer comes one of my very favorite TV Shows, So You Think You Can Dance.  I've watched nearly every episode since season one.  When the show first started I felt pretty awesome because season one's winner, Nick Lazzarini, had attended a dance convention (sort of, it was like a week long in LA and we made some sort of video?  I can't for the life of me remember what it was called) that I was also at.  No, I never talked to him.  But hey.  We occupied the same room at the same time for a couple days.  I totally KNEW him, right?

Well now I can do that one (or a ton) better.  Miss Hayley Erbert?  The cutie from Kansas?  I taught her.  Now granted it was only a couple of years when she was maybe 9-11, and if memory serves me correctly it was just ballet, but I'll just go ahead and pretend that insignificant portion of her dance career helped her make the top 20.  HA.  Nonetheless, I'm rooting for you Hayley.  Good luck!

::  Meh, I really don't have much else to talk about right now.  So I leave you with a comparison shot of Elsie and Ry.  I really can't believe how much they look alike sometimes.  There are slight differences (and I wish they both had the same expression in these pictures for better comparison!), but sometimes I feel like they are so minor that it is hard to pin point what exactly makes them look a little different...

if you weren't sure, Ry on the top, Elsie on the bottom

Happy Thursday! 


  1. i L-O-V-E SYTYCD! Mary Murphy graduated with my mom in a very SMALL town in Ohio. They were on the "drill team" as they called it back then together. Majorette's I recall. Anyway. My favorite show!

    I have no advice for you on the nursing thing, but I'm so sorry to hear about Elsie's time at gym daycare :( Makes me so sad, she's just a sweet little babe :(

    Ry can't get anymore adorable (or can she)?? Such a difference in these pics, she looks so much older. (tear) :(

  2. It's the nose!
    Steph Dubs

  3. I would pump 1st thing. You will be more comfortable for sure, and it gives Chris some of the feeding role...if he has time. I know he's a busy guy!

  4. Hi Ashley! I've loved following your blog for a few months now and thought I'd comment :) I am a runner, and ever since my baby was small, I've just woken her up to nurse before I leave. I run at 6:30, so if she doesn't wake up to eat anytime between 4:30 and 6 am, I wake her at 6. Sometimes she'll fall back asleep afterward and other times my husband just watches her, but he actually likes having time with her while she's awake and happy! Not sure if it will work for you and Elsie but thought I'd try to help!

    1. And I wanted to add that I think waking her up around the same time every day has also helped her have somewhat consistent naps :)

  5. I would just pump before you go. if she has went all night, there's a good chance you will pump enough for Chris to feed her AND ha some to freeze. I usually pump before Collins wakes up or even after she eats in the morning because I'm so full from the night. I don't believe in waking a sleeping baby :)

  6. I LOVE SYTYCD! And I am now going to cheer for Hayley just because of the Kevin Bacon rule. I read your blog, you know her, therefore I like her! LOL!

  7. I am too at a loss on how to get my workouts in with 2 kiddos - the youngest of who still WILL.NOT.SLEEP. I second the comment on waking her up before you leave. She would probably go back to sleep with that warm milk in her tummy.

    With the bruise thing, as someone who bruises really easy, they usually take an hour or more to show up. Unless it was a suction situation that caused the problem. I would pop in and out at random times to check on what they are doing and how observant they are being if you want to keep going.
