July 12, 2013

red, white and blue

Yes, I know, I'm like a week behind.  But I realized I never even blogged about Easter, so I should get my butt in gear and document some of the major holidays.

The girls and I headed to my parents the morning of the third.  We hung out, painted our nails in patriotic colors and decorated the boat.  Chris came over after work, and his mom joined us for dinner and the boat parade.  Really the boat parade is pretty uneventful, but it is a good excuse to cruise around the lake.  Unfortunately Elsie hated the wind (until Chris found a nice wind free sun free corner to tuck her in) and I managed to nearly break my tail bone.  I was sitting on the back of the boat so I could take pictures, leaned forward, and the seat that my feet were resting on slid open (they have storage underneath).  I fell into the storage area, breaking my fall with the back of my right thigh, my lower back and my tail bone.  It hurt.  A LOT.  I was a little worried I wouldn't get to run the next morning, but surprisingly when I woke up I wasn't sore at all.  I just gained some pretty awesome bruises that are still extremely purple.  After the parade Chris and Ryann went and picked up some fireworks, and eventually we convinced her to go to bed.

The morning of the fourth I got up bright and early to do the 'run around the lake', six miles of hills to kick start the day.  When I got home my mom whipped up some red velvet pancakes.  I'd need to taste them side by side with some regulars, because this version honestly didn't taste all that different, but they were still good and festive.  The rest of the day was spent hanging by the pool, eating too much food and enjoying a cocktail here and there.  And blowing through thousands of snap poppers.  We planned on letting Ryann stay up late to go out on the boat and watch fireworks, but when it came time to go she was freaked out by how loud it was outside, so we opted to stay back at the house.  She braved going outside for a little bit to watch all the craziness, and I did a few sparklers.  Not a crazy day, but a good day.


And the instagram version...


And now to go tend to the littles, who really aren't taking 'quiet time' too seriously today.  Help me, I need a drink.  Or five...

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