October 10, 2013

i make it rain

We recently took a trip to Georgia.  We flew in on a Monday, Sarah and Collins joined us on Wednesday... and it pretty much rained the majority of the time Monday thru Thursday.  Seriously?  After our trip to Colorado I was a wee bit sick of rain.  People on the island were saying it was the most rain they'd had in years.  Go figure.  On top of that, the tide was incredibly weird, as in, even at low tide there was barely any beach.  So we only made it to the beach once.  And the babies didn't exactly love going out to dinner.  Nor did they particularly like sleeping in the pack 'n plays.

Sarah's first view of St. Simons.  I'm sure she was thrilled...

But we still had a good time and the sun came out enough that we could hang out in the pool.  And I had a great time having Sarah and Collins around (Collins and Elsie together are just stupid cute).  Elsie had her first taste of sand (it was bound to happen, right?).  Ry got to spend lots of time with Papa which she absolutely LOVES.  So I'll still count this one as a win.  The fun and cuteness in pictures (ok mostly just pictures of Collins and Elsie being cute... whoops...):


And the instagram version of our trip...


a picture for daddy before we left.  squishy sleeping babe.  clear skies.  bed hog.  stupid cute baby.  free soft serve.  fake twins going for a stroll.  bathing beauties.  sisters + matching pjs for the win.  nap fighters.  sand digging.  chilly beach day.  grammy time.  the oddest toy.  sassy face?  babies livin' the life.  my littlest goober.  THE SUN!  cocktails.  mama + baby.


running scenery.  pool lounging.  me + my littlest.  post swim cutie.  matching buddies.  too much love.  mow cow ice cream.  happy ice cream eater.  cool baby.  view from the light house.  rock star step climber.  walking the runway?  more baby love.  awkward pic with my girls.  not so awkward pic of those girls.  layover adventures.  toy conqueror.  sleeping beauty.  sleeping babe.  in-flight entertainment.

What do you say Sarah, wanna make this a yearly trip?  :o)

1 comment:

  1. You take the best pictures!!! I love that one of Ryann looking at the ocean with her arms spread. That should be framed somewhere!
