December 7, 2013

thanksgiving 2013

Somehow I managed to convince myself to sit down and edit some pictures as opposed to checking out in front of the TV after the girls were in bed.  Lately I've just been over it by the time Ryann is asleep, and I can't make myself function!  So yeah... pictures from Thanksgiving.  Not that I took very many.

We spent the actual holiday with Christopher's family.  Good food was eaten.  Football and basketball were watched.  Children were played with.  Not too shabby of a day.  Ryann of course pretty much wouldn't touch the Thanksgiving meal.  Elsie on the other hand, she was pretty thrilled with it all.  She had her fair share of turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes.


Friday morning we packed up and headed to my parents house for the weekend.  More food, more hanging out, more basketball watching.  My sister (and her boyfriend and her dog) were in town so it was great to see them.  Ryann was pretty smitten with the puppy (whose name is Thug by the way.  thank you Lorin for that, it is so pleasant when Ry is talking to people about Thug).


And a few instagram shots...


I absolutely love the holiday season and spending time with family.  It is flying by too fast.  Ignoring the fact that I hate winter and its cold temps with a firey passion, I really wish this time of year would hang around a little longer.

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