January 5, 2014

that's what she said (+ project 52)

Early in December I told Chris one of my goals for 2014 was to complete a project 52.  And the goal for this project?  A family photo every week.  We usually SUCK at taking family photos, so this is going to be a bit of a stretch, but how fun would it be to have a whole year's worth of family photos to look back on?  Anyway, driving in the car on New Year's Eve of my project...

Me:  "Remember what what one of my goals is for 2014?"
Chris:  "Uh... no."
Me:  "A family picture once a week!"
Ryann:  "You're gonna lose me on that one.  I don't like taking pictures."

Chris and I could not stop laughing.  Where does she come up with this stuff?  And so far we've accomplished 1 out of 52.  I so hope we can keep up with this little project.



  1. LOVE this idea! "You're gonna lose me on that one.." What a silly girl ;)

  2. i just adore your family! :) ryann is hilarious!

  3. I feel like there is no way I'd EVER accomplish that goal, but I am really envious--that will be so much fun to do something with at the end of the year!
