August 4, 2014

this and that

:: I haven't run in nearly two weeks.  We'll, I've tried here and there, but something in my hip is a hot freaking mess and I don't make it even a tenth of a mile before I'm limping.  Chris isn't really sure what is going on, I can't accurately pinpoint where the pain is coming from, or what kind of pain it is.  All I know is that even a brisk walk leaves me feeling crippled for a couple hours.  I've been making do at the gym with the elliptical and the bike, but I loathe those machines.  And I haven't been able to make myself really do any weight training.  I love the barbell class, but as of right now I can only make it once a week.  Dear hip, stop sucking at life.  I miss running.

::  The other week I noticed that Target had some Elsa and Anna dresses in stock.  I had told Ryann we weren't taking any toys home that day, so I resisted the urge to grab her the Elsa one.  But I texted my mom and said it wouldn't be horrible if she picked it up.  Well wouldn't you know my mom had to go and one up Target by making Ryann a gorgeous Elsa dress.  My mom is pretty much awesome like that.

photo 1(40)

The ridiculous part, so my mom shows Ryann the dress, and of course she is happy.  But then she asks where the crown and the shoes are that the little girl on the pattern package had.  We didn't have shoes or a crown, so of course Ryann was crushed.  She was whining, and said to my mom "this girl has the braid and the crown and the dress AND the shoes!" My mom replied "well your hair is in a braid." Ryann's response? "Fine, braid, check.  But I still need the crown and the shoes."  Oh child.  Get over yourself and just tell Grammy thank you!

::  This past weekend was my 10 year high school reunion.  I'm sad I missed out on the tour of the high school, it looks like it has changed a ridiculous amount since I've been there.  But getting together in the evening was fun.  I'm not sure how many from our class attended, maybe 50?  I'm terrible at estimating numbers.  We graduated with just over 300 I believe.  I may have drank WAY too much wine, but it was good to catch up with people I haven't seen since graduation.  I can't believe I've been out of high school for 10 years.

photo 2(41)
photo 3(28)

::  Christopher turned 29 on Sunday!  He had a work function to attend, and I was still recovering from the absurd amount of wine, so it was a bit uneventful.  But we had a gift and a cake and I hope he knows we love him.  I'll make it up to you for your thirtieth Christopher, promise.

photo 4(20)
photo 5(16)

Alrighty, back to crafting ridiculous dinosaurs with the kiddo.


  1. Have you tried a chiro for your hip? You'd be surprised at what they can help solve.

  2. That is a perfect Elsa dress! Way better than Target! Did your mom use a pattern? If so, can you share which one?

    -Signed Mom of a four year old who DESPERATELY wants an Elsa dress

  3. Hahaha Annie SO would have done the exact same thing about the dress. Drives me nuts!
