January 23, 2015

eleven weeks

I had a doctor's appointment this week.  It went really well.  She found baby's heart beat right away, and it was pumping along at about 170 BPM.  I wound up with an annual exam which I wasn't too thrilled about, but at least it's over with.  And then they drew some blood for the panorama testing, which means we should know boy or girl in less than two weeks!  I can't believe we're going to find out so soon.  This pregnancy still barely feels real, and to know whether I'll have another daughter, or a son, just seems insane.

how far along:  11 weeks (compare to 11 weeks with Elsie)

size of babyaccording to the bump a lime, about 1.6 inches long and weighing .25 ounces.  Can you imagine a lime being a baby?  That is nuts.  Baby has see-thru skin, no more webbed fingers or toes, and the tooth buds, nail beds and hair follicles are all forming.

weight gain: -.5 pounds.  Guess who is no longer nauseous and wants to eat all the things?  Uh yes, that's me.  I'm honestly surprised I didn't gain more weight based on the amount of food I ate in the last three days, I can't get enough food!

maternity clothes:  I don't need maternity clothes yet.  My pants are still fitting just fine.  But I did bust out my bin because I feel like all my tops in general are just too short and I'm trying to find longer shirts.  Unfortunately all my winter maternity stuff is big or very obviously maternity.  Not really sure how to tide myself over until I actually need maternity clothes.

symptoms:  I can't stay awake past 9pm.  No matter how good I'm feeling in the evening, 9 hits and I pass out.  I was still feeling super gross and nauseous until about three days ago, and then all the sudden it is just gone.  I'm so hungry now, but still having a hard time figuring out what sounds good to eat.

exercise: 4 ish workouts this week.  They were nothing fabulous, but it's better than nothing.  I went on a two mile walk with the girls in the double Bob, that was exhausting.  I also ran a total of 11.5 miles.  Not too shabby, but I want to fit in more walks and make sure I strength train at least once a week.

cravings/aversions:  This week I really wanted a great steak.  Like perfectly cooked and super juicy.  That never happened.  I did however give in to a need for Red Lobster's coconut shrimp.  I haven't had them in forever but Wednesday I just NEEDED them.  I'm also very into fruit.  Heavy things don't sound good.  My biggest aversions are pizza and m&m's.  I don't even know who I am with that.

movement:  nope

sleep:  I usually end up taking a 2-3 hour nap on the couch after the girls are in bed.  Once I head to the bed it's a toss up whether I fall right back to sleep or am up for a couple hours.  If I was smart I'd just start off in the bed, right?  I forgot I've been having insane vivid dreams too.  Sometimes I wake up so worked up because of what was going on in my dream, that I just can't get back to sleep.

gender:  I've made a list of like ten potential boys names.  Zero girls names.  I'm convinced it's a boy.

looking forward to:  Finding out if we're having a boy or girl!

worries:  Nothing in particular right now.  My biggest worry is figuring out what the heck I actually want to eat.  I guess that is a good thing!

what's different this time:  Um, not really sure.

best moment this week: Watching Ryann dance in her competition showcase.  Oh my gosh so much cuteness!  She did great, stuck with the music and didn't freak out.  Calling it a win.  Also a good doctor's appointment doesn't hurt either.

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