June 5, 2015

an exhausting (but fun) weekend

I had full intentions of getting this post up on Wednesday, but restless legs + lack of motivation make sitting and blogging one of the last things on my to-do list.  I did decide that I was at least going to throw some pictures up before typing up my weekly pregnancy post though!

Last weekend was quite the whirlwind.  We were busy busy busy!  Ryann and Elsie were flower girls in Christopher's cousin's wedding Friday night, so Thursday we had the rehearsal and dinner.  All of that was about 30 minutes from our house, and by the time we were home and had both girls settled they didn't fall asleep until 10 or 10:30.  And then they were both up by 7am Friday morning.  Punks!  The actual wedding was Friday at 5:00pm.  We needed to leave our place no later than 3:15pm, and I worried whether or not I'd be able to squeeze Elsie in a long enough nap.  Thankfully she was so tired from the previous days activities, that she fell asleep very quickly at nap time.

The girls looked absolutely adorable (but of course refused to take any 'cute' pictures for me), which is good because it kept me from killing them minutes before they walked down the aisle.  They decided with the ceremony music playing and the bridesmaids going, it was a great time to have an all out brawl and my pregnant self was trying to corral them without spilling all their rose petals and then Elsie was crying for Christopher and it was quite the spectacle.  BUT they made it down the aisle and looked cute so we'll call it a win.  Elsie lasted through maybe 3 minutes of the ceremony before I had to take her out of the room because she just wouldn't stop talking.  When it came time for the dance, the girls were loving it.  We had to drag Elsie kicking and screaming off the dance floor when it was time to go.  Watching them have a good time was so much fun.

always being goobers!

On Saturday both girls did me a favor and slept until almost 8am.  That evening we had rehearsal for the recital, and then Sunday was recital day!  The girls had quite the fan club.  Chris, myself, my parents, my sister and her boyfriend, Grandma 'Nita, Great Grandma Ladonna, and Chris's aunt and uncle all came to watch.  Seeing the girls on stage was so much fun and Elsie absolutely loved it.


When we move, at the studio we'll go to Elsie won't be old enough to start class, and they don't have girls in the recital until they are four.  So sad.  She did great on stage for a 2.25 year old, can't believe I'll have to wait at least two years to see her up there again!

Ryann still claims she doesn't want to really do dance next year.  Well, she wants to take class but doesn't want to practice for competitions or a recital.  So I'm not sure what we'll end up doing with that.  I feel her.  All the girls in her class are pretty burnt out on practicing the same dance all the time.  We'll do a camp this summer and take some classes and see what happens.

After all that, both girls slept until after 8am Monday morning.  I didn't have a clue what to do with myself!

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