Annnnd then I hopped in my car and followed the bus to school so I could make sure she made it to her classroom on the first day, and take a couple of pictures of course. But just like that my baby, my first born, she is a school aged child. I can't believe I'm old enough to have a kindergartner! Of course when I posted photos on instagram I got a lot of 'cue the tears!' and 'did you cry?!?'
My dearest daughter, Ryann, I'm sorry. I didn't cry. Not because I won't miss you during the day. Of course I'll miss you... most of the time... ;o) But we were both so incredibly ready for this change.
Ryann is learning things at lightening speed. Constantly seeking new information, asking millions of questions, needing mental stimulation all day long. She's reading books and writing words and inventing projects. She is always doing something. Her enthusiasm for it all is exciting no doubt. But I just haven't been able to muster the energy to fulfill all her needs. She stopped napping two years ago. We briefly attempted a quiet time in her room but it just didn't stick. So for two years I've been on the clock from sun up to sun down. Literally. She wakes up at 6am and isn't asleep until after 8pm. Kindergarten is just what she needs.
Of course I worry about her. Will the other kids be nice to her? Will she make friends? (Duh, she can make a friend in a five minute trip to the store) Will she make it on the bus home every day? Will she listen to her teacher? Will the school work challenge her enough? So many little worries. I can't be there to protect her all day anymore. I can't micromanage everything. That is both good and bad. It is just terrifying to not be there all day for her. But I know she will thrive. I just know it.
To kick off the first day of school, we set up a special breakfast. We had muffins, bacon and strawberries. Ryann's favorites. And then we took a bunch of pictures of course. Oh and Elsie is screaming in the second photo because she wanted a 'cupcake' right then. My little foodie. Never any patience when it comes to food.
Oh man I can't get over how grown up she looks. So far so good as much as I can tell anyway. She says she likes school, that she is making friends and that she is having fun. So far she hasn't really wanted to talk much about what has gone on at school each day. I'm hoping she'll open up a little more about it. But when she gets home she is excited to see Elsie and usually brings us some snack she saved and whips out her library book.
It is just crazy to me that basically for a week she has been gone from me during the day. It is so strange. Good for us both, but strange. Big things are in store for you baby girl, this is just the beginning. I know it. You're going to go far.
"The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."
-Dr. Seuss
She is so cute! She will love kindergarten!!! In the side by side picture of the two of you she looks so much like you!