July 11, 2016

thea - eleven months

written July 1st

I can't believe it.  I can't believe Thea is already 11 months old.  The months and years really fly by, but my word I still feel like we just brought her home, that we just moved, it all still feels very new.  And yet here we are, less than three weeks from Thea's first birthday, we've lived in our home for just over a year, and Ryann has already completed kindergarten.  I'm baffled.


Look at that sweet girl.  Can't I keep her a baby forever?!?! She truly is such a sweetheart and so much fun.  Of course she has her moments and she can be a total pain in the butt.  However as the baby of the family and that silly little smile she can get away with pretty much anything. I think the only thing that really gets me frustrated is her standing in the tub. That I just never really find funny. But whatever, it's fine.  She's adorable.

I don't have a clue how long she is or how much she weighs.  If I had to guess weight I'd say right about 19 pounds?  I'm definitely curious.  She still seems to be growing, but for the most part 12-18 month clothes are huge and 6-12 month still fit fine.  Chris accidentally tried to put her in a 9 month sleeper the other night and she 'fit', but I don't think she could straighten her legs.  We pretty much don't wear shoes so I don't have a clue there, and she is still in a size 3 diaper.  And still has yet to cut another tooth, holding strong at six.  Recently she starting drooling a lot more, so maybe one or two are thinking of making an appearance.


Sleep is ALL over the place.  Nothing horrible, but she just isn't predictable at all.  Bedtime is between 7:30-8:30pm.  Depending on her naps.  Some nights she sleeps until the 4:00 hour and then goes back to sleep, sometimes she sleeps until 5:45am and then won't go back to sleep.  Sometimes she is up by 7:00 even if she goes back to sleep and sometimes she doesn't get up until 9am.  She usually takes two 1.5-2 hour naps a day, but a few times I've only had her take one nap if she has slept until 9.  I don't think she is ready to really drop to one nap, but I think we're getting there.


Thea pretty much won't tolerate being spoon fed purees at all anymore.  She'll eat stuff off a spoon or fork if it is clearly not baby food.  Such as, you know, ice cream or a sno cone.  Whoops.  Yeah, so much for making her wait until her first birthday for sweets.  She is picky about vegetables and some fruits, but don't you dare eat in front of her without offering her a bite anymore.  She loves chicken, cheese, avocado, plums, bananas, deli meat, cheerios, yogurt melts and puffs.  Oh and noodles, especially mac n cheese.  If she doesn't like what is on her tray, or she is full, she just throws everything on the floor.  We're working on signing more and all done, but usually if she wants more she just points and yells, and if she is all done she just yells and chucks food and tries to squirm out of her seat.


Which reminds me she points now.  A lot of times I don't have a clue why she is pointing at something or if she is trying to tell me something, but she points often.  In general I just try to tell her what the various things are that she is pointing at.  She can point out a few objects, such as lights or a ceiling fan, her crib, and her book shelves.  But other than that she doesn't really point if I ask her to find something.  Thea gives hi fives and occasionally kisses and hugs.  She also tries to put on glasses and hats and things of that nature.  Actually she tries to put almost everything on her head, but that is my fault.  I have a tendency to stick stuff on her head for my own entertainment.  Whoops.


I'm thinking maybe, just maybe, Thea will be walking by her first birthday.  She has gotten really good at walking with just one hand, and I think if she was a touch braver she could take some steps.  She is such a good climber.  If she realizes she could maybe get up on something, she is going to get up on it.  Or if she thinks she can get IN something, she is going to try that too.  Drawers, cabinets, tupperwear, etc.  Just gotta test to see if she fits!  Thank goodness nearly all our furniture is secured to the wall.  She has also figured out how to more or less safely get down from places.  Not that I'd leave her up on a chair or our bed, but I spotted her while she got from our bed to the bench by our bed, and then slid feet first to the ground.  She loves to practice going up the stairs and then immediately back down.


Thea has yet to clearly say any words.  I know that is pretty normal, but it's slightly tough to swallow looking back on Ryann and Elsie's 11 month posts.  Granted Ryann was a freak of nature in the language department, but hey (my post mentions that one of her words was waffle, WTH?!?).  Thankfully Thea is starting to show an interest in books so hopefully reading some stories will help.  Her favorite is Moo Baa La la la.  She loves hearing me make animal sounds.  She tries to bark like a dog and moo like a cow, I can't discern any other sounds.  She'll hold a play phone up to her ear and say something that sounds like hello, but it just isn't clear.  I've also said to her that the fans go 'round and round', so now she'll wave her little finger in a circle at the fan and make a noise that might sound like 'round and round'.  Who knows.  I'm sure language will take off at some point.  For now she's too busy climbing crap.


Baby dolls are still a big hit.  She gives them hugs and kisses, and pats their little backs.  I love it.  She has also been enjoying the pool.  Sometimes it isn't her favorite, but for the most part she has a good time, and regularly sticks her own face in the water.  She doesn't seem too phased if she gets splashed either.  I need to do a little research on teaching infants/toddlers to hold their breath.  Maybe we'll have one kiddo who isn't scared of the water!  This month Thea made her second trip to Georgia, and she LOVED the ocean.  Truly.  She'd hold someone's hands and keep trying to go further and further into the waves.  She only tried to eat sand once, and that was enough misery for her!  Haha.


Thea is still a mama's girl through and through.  She is fine with other people such as Chris, my mom and dad and a few others, as long as I'm not standing right there.  If I'm there she pouts and whines until I'm holding her again.  Same for if I'm gone and come back.  She was a perfect angel for whoever had her, but the second she sees me she cries until I pick her up.  Overall she really is such an easy baby in terms of personality, aside from the extreme attachment to me.  And the fact that I still nurse her before naps keeps me attached to her for most of the day.  That will change soon though, I'm hoping to wean her for at least most of the day shortly after her first birthday.  As soon as we've got her drinking milk and going down for naps by herself, you better believe I am disappearing for an entire day!


Thea girl, I love you.  Will you please stay my baby forever?  I can't believe you're almost one.

1 comment:

  1. Thea is adorable! I've had your blog added to my reader for years now, and I love following along. My 18month old has learned to blow bubbles in the water, and he loves doing this in the pool and the bath. I think this is a great precursor to learning to hold your breath in water, and I anticipate that will be much easier for him now that he knows how to blow bubbles. Just my two cents. Continue to enjoy your summer and your sweet girls!
