Trying, TRYING, to get back in the groove with posting about holidays and random life events and such. The masses may not care about seeing a photo of my family in our Easter attire, but I hope that one day my kids will. Doing it for the kids.
So Easter this year! Honestly I feel like we're still trying to figure out this whole holiday thing now that we're living in the same city as my parents. When we were living in KC, we'd come back home for Easter and stay the weekend. We'd dye eggs and do an egg hunt. The kids would have their Easter baskets. There was Easter themed breakfasts and lunches. All together just hanging out. Now that we are in the same area, we don't have to spend the entire holiday weekend together. So do we? Do we not? How does this work? Oh the first world problems in my life.
Our friends hosted an Easter themed party at the beginning of the month. The following weekend we went to the Easter egg hunt at Elsie's preschool. On Easter weekend Grandma 'Nita brought over some Easter treats Saturday morning and we hosted a family at our house for dinner and egg dying. On Easter morning there were Easter baskets and I attempted to make bunny cinnamon rolls (didn't work), we made it to church (a touch late, because I thought the service started at 9:30, it was 9:15, whoops!), and followed that up with brunch at the country club. Also that evening our col de sac threw together a glow in the dark Easter egg hunt. It was a pretty big pinterest fail. Rain was looming so we couldn't really wait until it was dark, kids were getting tired, and the glow sticks in the eggs honestly didn't glow all that much anyway. But we had a good time and the 14 kiddos found all the eggs in approximately three minutes flat. Whatever works!
The one thing we did not do this year, was go have our picture taken with the Easter bunny. I just couldn't work up the motivation to drag my kids to the mall so that Thea could scream, Elsie would be uneasy, and we'd spend too much money on a crappy photo. I feel a little bad, simply because it is just something you do with kids, right? But none of them even asked so I think we'll live.
So happy to see you posting again! I have girls the same ages as your older two and it's a fun read for me! :)