February 13, 2010

bump check: 32 weeks

Hobby Lobby Cashier (HLC): What are you having?
Me: A girl (smiles politely)
HLC: When is she due?
Me: April 10th, hopefully 8 weeks or less to go.
HLC: Oh thats ni.. wait really? You're tiny!

I'm glad I don't look like a whale, but I definitely feel like one. So all of you out there who think this belly is tiny, I don't want to hear it. There is a reason Chris likes to call me a turtle, the belly is most definitely restricting all movement.

Baby girl is around 3.75 pounds and about 16.7 inches long (I'm sorry babycenter.com but 16.7 doesn't really sound like an estimate number...). From the pound or so I'm gaining a week, our little girl is gaining about half of it. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next seven weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.

I wouldn't say this has been my best week... it was a pretty rough one at work, which caused me some serious hip and back pain. And to top it all off I've been fighting some sort of stomach bug since Thursday evening. Let me tell you, it is so much fun!

The best part of this week though? Our nursery furniture arrived today!! I promise I'll post some pictures tomorrow... my mom is bringing up the bedding she made so I want to wait until it is all prettied up :o). Our nursery's small size is definitely apparent now with all of the furniture in there, and I'm still debating the rug, but you can help me decide tomorrow what you think. Overall I'm still really excited, and am loving putting the nursery together.

On Friday Chris's friends at school surprised him with a little baby shower of his own. Thanks to my being ill, I didn't get to go and partake in the festivities, but I thought it was very sweet of them to do something for him!! An adorable set of handmade booties, mittens and a hat made it home with Christopher, and I am in love with them. Thanks Carrie!

How far along: 32 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +14 pounds (eh, just wait till I get my appetite back)
Maternity clothes: I just got some new shirts from Gap and Old Navy
Stretch marks?: still nothing!
Sleep: its been good and bad
Best moment this week: getting the nursery furniture
Movement: this girl is getting strong!
Food cravings: nothing really this week
Gender: girl
What I miss: being comfortable
Milestones: getting to month number 8!

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