February 11, 2010

up or down?

This is a very random question, and probably rather uninteresting. But I need to know where you stand. When not in use, is the lid (not the seat) on your toilet up or down?

In our house, the lid on the toilet absolutely has to stay down. You can ask Chris about the time that he had to bathe a pee covered cat... But in reality, I can't remember ever leaving the toilet lid up. I mean really, why would the put a lid on the toilet if you weren't going to use it? Do you enjoy looking at the water in the bowl?

Funny thing is, pretty much anytime we have company over, when I go into the bathroom after someone else, the lid is up. So that is why I ask, do you leave the lid up or down?


  1. I always put it down...DH leaves it up. As long as he doesn't leave the seat up, I'm not going to nag him about it :) I just think the bathroom looks so much cleaner when the lid is down!

  2. the lid in our house must always stay down, because of our curious cats. I came home one day from work to find our cat, Bear, just standing in the toilet water.

  3. We used to have a cat that would drink out of it, so we trained ourselves to put the lid down. So, now I'm in lid down mode. That cat has since passed as I still put the lid down, but the hubs is back to leaving it up. He at least will put the seat down after using it...just not the lid.

  4. Down for sure..now the real question is toilet paper behind or in front????? ;-)

  5. We definitely leave it down. Both Scott and I are pseudo-germ freaks and we know the mist that can come from flushing with the lid up. So it's down...always down. :)

  6. We just always leave ours up. I guess we never thought about it before.

  7. It's always down in both our bathrooms. We don't have pets, but I've always put it down. I had to laugh when you said that after guests leave the seat is up...I've noticed that too and it annoys me!

  8. Down, definitely down. ...and I'm the neurotic guest who will put the lids down in other peoples' homes! :)

  9. DOWN! And this is something that drives me insane- like you said, if you don't put it down, what's the point in the lid?
    It grosses me out to no end for it to be up and it drives me nuts that most guests (and my lovely husband!) always leave it up. I'm much like Southern Belle Mama- no matter how it was before I went in there, it will be down when I leave your bathroom!

  10. Okay Ashley I have to admit I'm one of those guest who leaves the seat UP... I can't promise that I won't do it again either :) but I KNOW you still love me!

  11. I always leave the lid down, and Keith always puts it down too. When I shared a room with my sister, she'd always leave it up and it drove me crazy. Like you said, there's a lid for a reason!

  12. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who feels the need to keep the lid down.

    Amy - my toilet paper definitely comes out in front, or over the top.

    Kels- I do still love you, I'll just have to give you crap every time I catch you leaving the lid up!

  13. DOWN -- because our youngest cat likes to drink the toilet water. I know, super gross, right? We have no choice but to leave it down, or else we catch her peering into the toilet and trying to drink it :(

  14. Down because it looks nicer, seems less gross, and because we have cats. Why would you leave it up?
