August 20, 2011

week in iphone pics

We spent most of the week with Grammy.  But she isn't in any of the pictures.  Whoops.  Oh well, we had a good one!

Me and the girlie after Race for the Cure.  Lately she won't keep her hands out of her mouth.  Umm, do you think we have enough stuff for five days at Grammy's?  I'm not sure we do.  Giving daddy kisses before we ditched him for the week.  My little maestro.  This my friends, is the look you will get if you try to take the package of paint pens from her.  My mom helped me get crafty with my envelopes for Elevated Envelope.


Oh you know, just another trip to Target.  Where the wee one of course got a new toy, she loves her little shopping cart.  I spent nap time addressing envelopes.  I am definitely NOT a calligrapher, but now I really want to learn!  For my own personal benefit though, I couldn't do tons of those for people.  After nap we went and played with stuff at the toy store.


aka, picture overload day...  The first shot I was trying to get a picture to send to daddy, we ended up with what I think is 'look!  I ate all my breakfast!"  And feel free to call me stupid, since we got her a puzzle full of locks.  She is going to be able to escape anything.  Ry was beyond excited to find Elmo and Mickey books in the same place (at Barnes and Noble).  She was a lot less than excited to sit through a trip to Kohls.  Little miss blue eyes at snack time.  Tuesday also involved the most peaceful grocery store trip I have every witnessed.  Thank you shopping cart car.  She loves to play lots of instruments, especially with her papa.


A little game of hide-n-seek in some clothing racks at Dick's.  Followed by some Simon monkey snuggling in the car.  Boo, I had a dentist appointment, but the good news is the pearly whites checked out just fine.  Don't they look so squeaky clean?  Crazy faces for Grammy at Sam's.  Some evening pool time.  And some dinnertime craziness.


We hit the road to head back home, and after an MDO orientation we did what we do best.  Sidewalk chalk.  These two goofballs were excited to see each other.  And it was an epic day.  All three of us had the same meal for dinner.  This has NEVER happened before.  Ry was amused while Christopher stuck bath letters to her chest.


And so it begins... sorta... We got a couple of the potty is so cool books, and then she wanted to sit on her potty.  For about ten seconds at a time.  After the gym we played at the park.  Ryann sort of tried out my headphones.  We baked some orange banana nut bread (only so-so, but we still managed to eat a whole loaf in 24 hours.  next time I'll follow the reviewer suggestions).


Ryann was pretty excited by our bread, and didn't mind chowing down on it at snacktime.  Our fam met up with my mom and sister for lunch.  Christopher took Ry home for a nap and us girls went shopping!  The sister found some crazy spiky heels (literally, those things could seriously injure someone) that she is obsessed with.  I'm apparently trying to be Betty Crocker over here, baking two days in a row (banana oatmeal bites).  Ended the day with a little evening bike ride.  After seeing a pic on facebook of her buddy Will riding a bike with no training wheels (I'm not even joking, at all) we tried to show Ry the peddles on her trike.  She couldn't really reach let alone actually figure them out.

Linking up with Amy!

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