January 30, 2012

a quick {almost} 5k

I think I've finally solved the issue with my individual blog posts with comments not showing up.  If you are having problems with your blog, change your comments from embedded to pop-up.  I think there are a couple of other ways to solve the issue (something about google+ or chrome?) but changing the comments format was an easy fix.

This weekend Ryann and I were home with my parents.  Saturday my dad and I participated in a local 5k in support of the Special Olympics.  It wasn't a timed official 5k or anything, but it was my first chance to test my legs at a 5k race.


I was pretty stoked as I headed into the finish line and the giant clock was only at 23 minutes.  I mean, come on, that is crazy fast for me!  Unfortunately my Garmin only read 2.87 miles when I crossed the line, so it wasn't a full 5k.  But my time was right around 23:45, an 8:16 minute mile.  Definitely the fastest I've run almost 3 miles ever!  Not going to lie, I felt like I was going to die going up the last hill, but I so badly wanted to keep my pace.  I wish I knew how I placed, I don't think there were too many people in front of me (it was a small race :o).  Pretty proud of my dad as well, he finished in under 28 minutes.

No races on the schedule for February yet, but I'm hoping to do two 5k's in March.  The Truffle Shuffle on the 3rd and the Diva Dash on the 24th, just need to find a babysitter for the 24th... :o).  Anyone else up for the Truffle Shuffle?

On another note, the first of the year I signed up on dailymile.com.  I'd been wanting to do it for a while, but my OCD self couldn't handle starting something that tracked mileage in the middle of the year.  I'm a spaz, I'm aware.  Anyway, I'm loving it.  So far this year I've logged 77.22 miles running and walking.  I'd say that is a pretty good start to my 500 mile goal.  Pretty sure I should have set the bar a bit higher... oh well.  Can't wait to see my total at the end of the year!


Link up your fitness related posts below!


  1. Good for you!!! I reallllly suck at running. Not even kidding!

  2. Woo hoo! That is crazy fast, great job!!!! How awesome your dad ran too :)

  3. great job!!


  4. I am excited for you! Awesome, awesome work!!

  5. Wow! 8:16 for almost 3 miles, that's impressive! Way to go! I think it's smart that you do these races, it definitely helps keep up the motivation!
