April 5, 2012

embrace the camera

Just a couple of quick shots Chris took after Ryann's birthday party.  Apparently I need to teach Ryann a thing or two about how to put your best side forward :o).  Can't say her 'pose' in the first one is doing anything for either of us.  But I love it just the same.


And I know some of you really want photos and details from the party.  I promise they are coming, I'm just not sure exactly when.  I didn't take the photos, one of my favorite photographers, Adrienne Maples, did all the work for me.  So when I get files from her, go through them all, and write out all the details, I promise I'll share them with you!

Until then, here is just one image she captured before the party started.  I love it.  And I just want to say, even though all the time and effort put into the tissue poms was a lot, I personally would do it all over again (not sure I could convince my mother to though :o).  They looked amazing (and still do, since of course I haven't taken them down yet!).


Hope that little sneak peek can tide you over :o).


  1. ooooh, I am LOVING the letters in the vase! I can not wait to see and hear more!

  2. Wow! Thanks for the teaser picture. Can't wait to see more soon! Looks like it turned out really well!

  3. We love us some tissue poms too!! SO fun!! I love the first pic too :)

  4. Your girl never fails to make me laugh! Such cute pictures! xxx

  5. Looks like there are some great photos to come!

  6. Love love love the colors!!! I cant wait to see the rest :D

  7. Those pictures of the two of you are sooooo sweet!! Love mama and baby pics. xoxo

  8. I have a dumb question. How do I include the Embrace the Camera button on my blog post if I participate? When I copy the code it just looks like code...not the button.

  9. I'm dying to see the party pictures.. but I can't find 'em :(
