June 12, 2012

summer bucket list

Definitely not an original idea over here today, but in an attempt to make the most of our summer, I decided to make a short bucket list.  Just some ideas of fun things to do.  Hopefully we can cross everything off!


I left off a few things, because I know they are definitely going to happen (spend time in my parent's pool, go to the beach, build a sandcastle, look for seashells, etc).  But I think the above to-do's will help me to keep our days interesting.

Also on my personal just freaking get it done list for the summer?  Several things from my 101 in 1001 list.  I went to add the books I've read recently, thinking I must have made some decent progress on the list since I last checked it.  Um, negative.  I've crossed off, oh,  maybe, 20 things?  I've got less than a year to finish the rest, which isn't going to happen.  But I'm on a mission to cross off as many things as possible.  

What is on your to-do list for the summer?


  1. I would like to participate in the majority of your bucket list. I think a trip to the splash park and zoo is definitely in order!

  2. This is a great list! Honestly, my to-do list for the summer is just... getting through :) I'm sure we'll do a lot of fun stuff, but sometimes lists like that stress me out! :)

  3. I just pinned this! :) We've done several things on the list already, but there are some I need to remember because I know Isaac would love it - like water balloons!

  4. I love the teach Ryann to swim part! I was a lifeguard/swim instructor for 6 years, teaching a child to swim is a really big priority to me!
    Have you already started teaching her? I know she swims a lot in her grandparents pool, but learning to swim takes time.. so be patient & don't get discouraged if you don't get to cross that off your bucket list this summer, it will happen!

  5. what a great list! Im still trying to compile everything I want to do and this is a great help so thanks for sharing.
