June 11, 2012

early morning runs

You know how I was so against getting up before 6am to get an outdoor run in?  Well, last week I did it twice, and, um, I loved it.  Well ok, I was exhausted and getting out of bed was tough.  Plus Ryann was already awake one of the mornings when my alarm went off at 5:30 which meant Chris had to get up too.  But it was so incredibly peaceful and beautiful outside.  I saw hardly any cars, no people, the sun wasn't beating down on me, but it was plenty light outside.  LOVED it.

The whole Ryann already being up thing is kind of tough.  Like I've mentioned, even though she would happily play in her crib for 45 minutes to an hour, we can't leave her because she picks at her lips until they bleed.  And I hate making Chris get up that early just so I can run (he is not a morning person to begin with, and the rotations that he doesn't have to get up until 6:45, I do my best to let him sleep).  So I think my plan is to go for just one early morning run for now.  And then I can run outside on the weekend, just a little bit later in the morning.  So I know I'll get two good runs outside during the week, and I can probably manage a three miler on the treadmill.  I'm aiming for a second run on the treadmill as well each week, but it will probably be more of a speed work run/walk combo.

Right now I also need to figure out what I want to train for.  I know I want to be doing some hill work, but that is about all I've got.  And that isn't much of a plan.  I'm toying with the idea of training for the Kansas City Marathon in October.  I figure if I don't end up working myself all the way up to the full I can still do the half, but why not go big right?  Hal Higdon's Novice 2 Program is 18 weeks long, which means I'd have to start training next week.  I've got the run lengths all entered into my calendar (totally forgot I can just get an app for that, whoops), so I think I'll just start the program and see where I end up.

I can't decide if running a full is something I really want to do.  I've loved the feeling when I accomplish finishing the half, but 13.1 miles isn't easy.  So, um, 26.2 probably won't be all that fun.  But I would like to say I've done it.  Just once.  I can almost guarantee that after one time I'd be satisfied and never want to do it again.  HA.  Yeah right.  I'm too competitive with myself.  If I've done it once I tend to have to see if I can do it better.  But training for a full takes so much time...

Hmm, stick to the 13.1 distance, or go for the full.  That is the question.  Any input from all you runners out there?  :o)


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  1. I'm not a runner, but I say go big! You can do it, and you know what they say - you'll never regret the things you DO do .....

  2. You would kill it either way, but go big sister! Why not? :)

  3. It's so hard to decide. I've done 5 halfs and I have 2 or 3 more this year. I'd love to do a marathon, just to have done one, but the training while working full time seems overwhelming to me.

  4. Half's are FUN to me, my absolute fave distance, but marathons are rewarding in a different way - a learning and growth experience. I don't think it's possible to battle thru a marathon without self-discovery! I say go for it!!!! Powerful experience for sure!

  5. I love the full! It just takes a lot of committment! You can do it!!
    Ashley Carson

  6. I LOVE early morning runs. There is nothing like total silence and just me out there. I feel so refreshed afterwards. I would love to say do a full but I am still aiming for a half myself- so don't take my word for it!

  7. i think you should totally go for the full--even though halfs are fun. Marathons are tough and there is a lot bigger committment--but so rewarding! Mentally and physically you learn things about yourself and what you are capable of--pretty cool. you can do it!! I am all about the early morning runs too--my fav.

  8. Would Ryann do well in a jogging stroller? If she's up already why not give her some Cheerios in a cup and milk in a sippy cup and go for it?! Plus you'd get an arm workout too! I walk with a double jogging stroller, my 3 yr old plays with some dolls and my 6 month old just enjoys the view. Good luck!

  9. I'm having a hard time committing to the half, so you're batter off than me. I say at least try and then if you hit a wall you'll know you put out your best effort.

  10. Do it!! Then maybe I'd be motivated to do one someday, too!

    ps- running with you last weekend was so fun. hope we can plan a few other longer runs this summer! that is if i can keep up :)

  11. Do it!! Then maybe I'd be motivated to do one someday, too!

    ps- running with you last weekend was so fun. hope we can plan a few other longer runs this summer! that is if i can keep up :)

  12. Go big!!!!! It is so so so hard, and even though it is clearly twice as long as the half, i still couldn't wrap my mind around how much that really is. But you will be proud of yourself to have done it! It is kind of like having a baby! Do it!!!!

  13. I'm in the same place, although I already registered for a Full. Everytime I run a Half (I'm with you on this) I know it's not easy. Not so sure I want to do the Full. But I'm going to give it a shot because (with you again here) I need to say that I did it. Atleast once.

    Luckily the other Full I am running this year (Philly, in Nov) I can run the Half if I decide I don't want to do the Full. We shall see.

    Good Luck! And I hope you can keep me motivated to stick with this Marathon training! I'm doing Novice 2 as well!
