November 19, 2012

one day at a time.

After last week's attempt at running, I surprisingly had no pain the next few days.  When talking to the nurse practictioner (I didn't get to see my actual doc this time) and asking her opinion on whether or not I needed to be done running, she simply said, "If it hurts, don't do it.  If it isn't bothering you, go for it.  Just go one day at a time."  I took that advice to heart.  And by this past Friday after three days on the elliptical I was already getting antsy to try jogging again.

This time I didn't try and see how far I could make it.  Instead, I planned on walking .35 miles and jogging .15 miles.  Hoping to hit a total of 3 miles for my workout.  So overall I would be barely running a mile.  But it still sort of felt like a run, you know?  I'm happy to report I survived without any hip pain.  Score!  Now to just not get too excited and try to do too much.  My plan is to still mostly just walk and use the elliptical, but if I'm feeling crazy I might throw in a bit of jogging here and there.  Just listening to my body and going one day at a time.

I'm also proud to report that two of my workouts this past week included strength training.  Woot woot!  One morning last week when I knew I wouldn't make it to the gym, I actually got my butt out of bed early enough to hang out with Jillian and her 30 Day Shred.  And on Saturday I finally got myself to the 50/50 fitness class for only I think the second time this pregnancy.  That was tough.  But having a few sore muscles and knowing I actually did some strength training made it worth it.

Thanks to some sort of scheduling miracle, Christopher has this entire week off.  Between that and Thanksgiving I'm sure my workouts will be a little harder to convince myself to do.  But I'm hoping to squeeze in at least one strength session.  It really did feel great to actually use my muscles.

How was your week workout wise?


Link up your health and fitness related posts below!  And I apologize to those of you who had difficulty linking up last week.  I have no idea why that happens, nor do I have a clue how to fix it.  Hopefully this week is better.


  1. Congratulations on a successful week! I hope that you are able to continue jogging!

    I can honestly say I had a great week exercise-wise but food? Not so much!

    I have also been having trouble linking up for the past few weeks and I have a friend that has been having trouble as well :(

  2. I am totally in awe of you! Thanks for hosting this--it is totally inspiring me to be better!
