November 9, 2012

twenty-five weeks


written November 8th

Please excuse my terrible photoshop skills this week.  Not my usual photo location + no tripod + on my laptop = I extra suck.  But whatever.  25 weeks, captured.  Go me.  Also, pretty sure I need to start belting this dress every time.  The boob to belly button slope is a little awkward.  And for the record, no I'm not arching my back.  My butt really just is that big.  I don't think it has grown a ton during the pregnancy, but I think having a bump on one side amplifies the bump on the other side (you'd think it would do the opposite)...

Moving on.

how far along:  25 weeks (compare to 25 weeks with Ryann)

size of babyaccording to the bump cauliflower (wtf?), between 13.6-14.8 inches long and weighing somewhere between 1.5-2.5 pounds. Apparently she now knows the difference between up and down.  She is also continuing to add fat underneath her skin, and starting to grow some hair.  I doubt a lot though, seeing as Ry was a little baldy for quite some time.

weight gain:  10.6 pounds.  Well, I'm guessing more than that (my guess is, um, 12.2.  how about that...), but I'm without my scale, so I'll just have to wait to find out the damage for a couple days.  I haven't eaten nearly as much as I thought I would this vacation, BUT I'm still eating plenty, if you know what I mean.  Next week, next week I will eat more healthy stuff and less candy...

maternity clothes:  If I'm not allowed to wear sweats, yes.  Maternity clothes.  I still have some regular stuff I'm using (pants with too big of a waist, uh, cardigans, some super stretchy tops) but for the most part, maternity clothes.

symptoms:  There is almost constantly a three ring circus going on in my belly, and as soon as I eat breakfast I'm pretty much shot for the day.  It seems as though once there is any food in my belly, there isn't room left for me to be comfortable.  And I'm talking after a slice or two of toast.  Also the whole restless leg thing.  It still isn't terrible, just annoying.

exercise: I went on four walks this week totaling 9.8 miles, plus walking around in general while we've been in Georgia.  Still hoping I can get back to running a bit, but it isn't happening yet.  I'm going start looking into elliptical workouts and other stuff I can do, because I need to feel like I'm still working!  I'm sure my arms could use some toning, I've really REALLY slacked off on the strength training.

cravings/aversions: Still loving the sweets.  I really want a brownie.  Or four.

movement:  See mention of three ring circus above...

sleep:  I haven't slept as well this week.  And I keep waking up asleep on my stomach?  Hope that isn't a problem.  Not flat on my belly of course, but definitely more on my stomach than anything else.

gender: Girl.  Although when I picture us with two kids I still see a baby boy.  I'm hoping that doesn't mean the tech messed up the ultrasound... maybe we should schedule a 3D ultrasound just for some confirmation :o).

looking forward to: Seeing my husband.  Working on the nursery and sprucing up our master bedroom a bit.  Crossing some things off my to-do list.  Christmas cookies :o).

worries:  Nothing too huge right now that I haven't already mentioned.  I'm worried I won't get to run at all during the rest of the pregnancy, which makes me sad.  But in the long run that isn't a big deal.  I can still work out, I can still stay healthy, and it won't be long before I can pound the pavement again.

what's different this time:  I swear I was not this uncomfortable with Ryann.  Maybe I was, but I really really don't remember it.  Possibly because I started off smaller there just isn't as much room in there for her?  I don't know.  But oy.

milestones:  15 or less weeks to go!

best moment this week:  Honestly, I've had kind of a grumpy week.  I'm annoyed with the fact that I feel so uncomfortable already.  I'm irritated that I can't run.  Little tidbits of life aren't working out the way I want them to.  And I'm just being a hormonal pregnant bitter betty about it.  BUT being in Georgia with my parents has been fun.  Especially because Ryann just loves them so much.  At the beginning of the week she said multiple times, "It is so nice seeing you guys."  Too freaking cute.

And because I love to torture myself... 15 weeks versus 25 weeks thanks to my phone.  I know my belly growth slowed down at the end with Ryann, but, um, whoa.  10 weeks makes a HUGE difference.  I really hope that ten weeks from now the change isn't quite as much!



  1. You're one of the cutest pregnant ladies ever!

  2. You look fabulous!!! And even if you gained 12, I'm still jealous. Lol, my pregnancy app told me today that my weight gain was excessive. Eff you app, eff you. ;)
