December 21, 2012

snow day

Since slacking off on sharing my weekly iphone pictures, the majority of my instagram shots have remained on my phone.  Which is sad, because some of my favorite photos are on there.  So I've decided even if it means back dating a few posts I'm going to get my pictures on the blog.  That way if I ever actually get around to making a blog book they are there!

On December 20th we received our first snow of the year.  Now, I pretty much hate snow, and dread the thought of more or less being stuck in the house an entire day, but surprisingly we had a pretty good time.  And I braved the cold not once, but twice.  Just to please the wee one (and take pictures, of course.  what do you expect from the mamarazzi?).


first glimpse of the white stuff.  coloring.  holiday card display.  making puppy chow.  her favorite part.  touch it!  happiness.  snow bunnies.  lunchtime antics.  31 weeks.  mailing Christmas cards.  snow play take two.  excitement.  puffy coat attachment.  my cutest accessory.  forehead kisses.  my favorite girl.

Ryann and I truly had a great day just being together, and it is those days that remind me how much I love being a mother.  Watching her eyes light up at the sight of the snow, her thoughts and stories while we were coloring, sharing our love of chocolate :o).  It is tough work, being a mom, but it is pretty dang awesome too.

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