February 4, 2013

goodbye workouts

Yes, my workouts had pretty much been simply walking.  Sometimes a little bit of jogging.  I think it was just last Tuesday maybe that I surprised myself and finished a mile in about 14 minutes (I've been averaging 16-17 minute miles on the days I try and go 'fast').  But then I started not feeling so hot and my blood pressure got wacky and Christopher put the kibosh on my exercise routine.

That isn't to say I haven't been moving my body.  I'm not real good at the whole rest and relax thing (sometimes anyway) so there has still been cleaning and organizing and crafting and painting and all that jazz going on.  And running errands which is extremely exhausting.  Plus I swear at this stage in pregnancy just rolling over in bed or standing up is a workout all on its own.

Pretty much all I've got this week.  I'm currently incredibly jealous of everyone training for their spring half marathons and marathons.  How absurd that I wish I could torture myself with an 7+ mile run too.  Definitely never thought I'd see that day!


Link up your health and fitness related posts below!


  1. Boo! I know it's hard to have to stop altogether but you have seriously dedicated yourself to being active in any way you can this entire pregnancy. That is SO admirable Ashley, I hope you know that.

    You are going to welcome little Elsie very soon and before you know it, it will be time to claim back some time for you again. For now just enjoy the last few days before she arrives and be forgiving to your body as you heal. I'm excited for your new addition!

  2. Enjoy your last home stretch - relaxing. I admire how well you've done with "moving it" while pregnant. You should be proud.
