August 18, 2014

summer fun

With Ryann starting back to school today (last year of preschool!) it seemed fitting to recap a little bit of our summer that I hadn't gotten to.  Because I'm a blogging failure these days, not the point.  Truthfully this is the first time in a while that I've actually been sad summer was coming to a close.  We've had such a great time with our friends, and while I'm glad to gain a little bit of free time, I'm sad that our play date opportunities have become less and less.

But then again... free time...

Anyway!  So here is a quick photo recap of our summer before I move on to trying to accomplish all the things while Elsie naps.  Did I mention how much I missed nap time?  I pretty much sat here in silence for 20 minutes doing absolutely NOTHING just because I could.  But summer!

Before the mosquitos were out in full force we spent a lot of time outside, playing with chalk and running through the sprinkler.  But then there were mosquitoes and mosquito bites and being outside at our house wasn't really an option.  The girls and I attract them like it's our job.  We still had plenty of fun visiting parks and pools.


And the instagram overview.  Pool trips, zoo trips and lunch outside.  A visit to the arboretum and an open gym.  Picnic play dates and splash park adventures.  An adorable baby-q, and even an attempt at bowling (which I don't plan on doing again any time in the near future, thank you very much Elsie).  We were busy busy busy, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.


Next summer, well, we will be moving.  It will be a lot different.  I'm very grateful for the fun we've had this summer, and I hope we can keep some of it rolling throughout the school year!

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