August 22, 2014

this and that

::  Last weekend we went to Omaha for my family's annual golf tournament.  Yes.  We have a golf tournament.  Anyway.  We got to hang out with family and make a trip to the Omaha Zoo.  I have more pictures from that if I ever get to editing them, but I loved this one I snapped in the hotel.  Elsie had been wandering around with Christopher's headphones on, so I plugged in my phone so she could listen to some music.  It was so cute to watch her bop around with them on.


::  This week we were back to school.  Ryann started her Pre-K, or 4's class (or whatever you want to call the year before kindergarten, its all the same right?).  She is thrilled to be back in class.  She just loves seeing her friends and doing all of the various activities.  I think we're all in a slightly better mood when she is in school.  Minus the part where she is pretty exhausted from it all.  But we can work with that.  She insisted on wearing the same outfit she wore on the first day of school last year, and making a crazy face of course.  I also felt obligated to get her the unicorn lunch box from Pottery Barn Kids.  I mean purple and pink and unicorns?  It was screaming her name.


::  Elsie started in the Mother's Day Out program!  I can't believe she is old enough for it already.  I was definitely anxious about dropping her off, but I knew she was in good hands.  Little Miss didn't nap, apparently she was too busy chatting it up with her friends and playing in her crib.  But they said she had a good day.  Hopefully she can figure out the sleeping situation because Ryann also has an evening of dance after that, so it is definitely our long day.  But MDO means I have just over six whole hours to myself once a week.  It was pretty glorious.  I mean yes, I was powering through laundry and vacuuming and kitchen cleaning and organizing crap, but it was amazing to do it without a pint sized natural disaster following behind me undoing all my hard work.


::  Elsie had a couple of doctor's appointments this week.  We went to have her stent removed from tear duct procedure a few months back.  Wouldn't you know it must have fallen out on her own.  I wasn't entirely surprised because for a while she'd point to her eye and comment on it and mess with it and such, and then it just stopped.  I thought maybe she had gotten used to it, but she had just dealt with the problem herself.

We also had her 18 month well check.  This girl's growth chart is ridiculous, it has a huge jump then a flat line, another huge jump and another flat line, and now were at a huge jump again.  She weighed in at 25 pounds 10 ounces and was 33 inches long, putting her in the 68th and 83rd percentile respectively.  At her 15 month well check she was in the 26th and 52nd percentiles.  Growth spurt much?  I'm very interested to see how she'll measure up at her next appointment!  And because she's cute...


:: And lastly, I was attempting to take a 'good' picture of the girls because my mom requested a new one for a frame she has.  The girls were feeling much too silly for a posed shot...


I'm not sure what possessed Elsie to put her dress over Ryann's head.  I couldn't stop laughing. 

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