March 7, 2015

seventeen weeks


how far along:  17 weeks (compare to 17 weeks with Ryann, 17 weeks with Elsie)

size of baby:  I'm not sure why I haven't switched where I get my resources from for this section.  I no longer wish to send any traffic to the site that will not be named.  Haha.  But anway, my 'what to expect app' says baby is the size of a turnip, about 5 inches long and weighing 3.5 ounces.  She has started practicing sucking and swallowing and her heart is now regulated by her brain.

weight gain:  6.4 pounds.  My eating has been pretty crappy so I'm honestly surprised it isn't way worse.

maternity clothes:  Yup.  When we left for Georgia my winter coat fit absolutely fine.  10 days later I put it on when we were heading home and it barely buttoned.  And all of the sudden this week I just could not wear regular pants.  Some of them still button, but they don't really feel or look good.  As luck would have it I have misplaced my absolute favorite pair of maternity pants I had with Elsie.  And every other pair I seem to own are boot cut.  Which I almost never wear.  Guess some shopping is in order!

I took this picture the day that I wore my maternity pants for the first time.  Looking at it I haven't a clue how I was attempting to wear regular pants at all.


symptoms:  For some reason, it doesn't matter what I eat, but after a meal I almost always feel like crap.  Thursday night I had an apple and peanut butter.  That is it.  And my stomach was churning.  I just don't get it.  I've also had several headaches this week.  It may or may not be related to indulging in a lot of almond M&M eggs, but sometimes it is there when I wake up in the morning so I don't think it is all food related.  But who knows.

exercise:  I ran a 10k this week!  With just under a 10 minute per mile pace!  I'm pretty stoked about that.  I know I was running and working out a lot more when I was pregnant with Elsie, but I'm still happy that I'm staying relatively active.  This week I ran 11.8 miles, walked 7.25 miles and covered 84,857 steps.  For the record my mileage is included in my weekly steps, I just note when I am actually out running or walking on the treadmill.  Right now I'm pretty consistently trying to run three days a week, and then just stay as active as I possibly can the other days.  Some days I can run 6 miles straight, and some days I just can't make myself run more than a mile without stopping.  I think it's all in my head, but as long as I keep moving I'll be happy.  I'm hoping I can run at least some of the mother's day 5k.

cravings/aversions:  I still love fruit and almost always could go for a milkshake, but other than that no strong cravings.  Really no terrible aversions either.

movement:  I felt her again one morning this week, just barely, and just for a minute.  But I'm sure it was her.  I'm so anxious for the movement to pick up.

sleep:  For some reason I can't sleep past 5:20am right now.  So frustrating.  I've also woken up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom a couple of times.  Sleep could definitely be better.

gender:  Truthfully I'm still in denial that there is another little girl in my belly.  But I'm very excited.

looking forward to:  I can't wait to feel her move daily.  I'm excited to start painting the walls in our new house.  Spring weather is on the way.  We're heading in to very fun and very busy times.

worries:  That we'll pick the wrong name for our baby girl.  Naming a baby is always stressful to me.  I mean, it is so permanent.  And I try and stay away from the top 100-200 names according to the social security list, which means sometimes my preferences are a little, different?  Not that I'm trying to name my kids anything ridiculous.  But I don't want other people to hate it, I don't want her to hate it, why is naming a kid SO HARD?!?!  I've also been worried about how selling our house is going to go, and what the heck we are going to do with our cats during the process.

what's different this time:  Honestly my pregnancies are starting to seem quite the same.  It looks like this is pretty much the week that I have to start wearing maternity clothes.  With Elsie I also thought I was feeling a touch of movement (though I am  more sure of it this time).  So my blood pressure will probably be out of wack by 38 weeks, I'll be induced, and give birth to a third 6lb4oz little girl.  But maybe she'll prove me wrong and do things her own way.  ;o)

What is different is how much more aware Ryann is this time.  Last week I mentioned she is obsessed with her baby sister, and it still rings true this week.  She is regularly rubbing my belly and asking questions about her baby sister and talking about how when we move to the new house she is going to be born.  She also makes big claims about helping me change her diapers.  We'll see about that!

best moment this week:  I'm not sure.  Life has been pretty good, nothing to complain about.  But no really big wow moments.  We're headed to a preschool/MMO open house this weekend for Elsie, and I got Ryann registered for Kindergarten round-up.  I can't believe this is where we are at, but I'm loving it.  Life is crazy busy, hectic and exhausting, but so much fun.


  1. Picking names is so hard. I had similar criteria as you and it seems like the biggest challenge. We went with Audra and Brooke for our two girls. I really hope they end up liking them. So happy to be past that task. Good luck!

  2. I am loving following along with your 3rd pregnancy! Admittedly it is in a wistful kind of way as both my pregnancies have overlapped with yours (my kids were born Feb 2010 and Oct 2012) but not this time :(

    My heart would love to have a third, but my head is saying two is more than enough!

    Anyway, maybe I will see how it goes for you and then decide LOL.

    Take care,

  3. I agree about the older sibling! Brody is so much more engaged and it is so exciting to have another family member to talk to a baby about! He is always rubbing my tummy and asking how she is doing :)
