July 8, 2015

thirty-four weeks


yay!  finally got internet access and set up the new wi-fi on my computer...

Sadly in the new house there isn't a way for me to take a picture in front of my cute little shower curtain.  Actually we barely have any mirrors in the house right now because I can't find ones for the bathrooms I like.  So this late night after the 4th of July in front of a closet picture will have to do. 
how far along:  34 weeks (compare to 34 weeks with Ryann, 34 weeks with Elsie)

size of baby:  We've reached pineapple status!  Seriously one of the more painful sounding fruits to compare baby to, but whatever.  She should be somewhere between 19-22 inches long, and around 5 pounds.

weight gain:  I have yet to locate my scale, but eating habits this week haven't been the best, so I doubt it is pretty.

maternity clothes:  Of course.

symptoms:  Swelling, restless legs, random bouts of nausea, general uncomfortableness.  I know I didn't pick a summer baby, but if I could, I would NOT pick a summer baby.  Third pregnancy and 90+ degree days do not make for a comfortable pregnancy.

exercise:  84,824 steps.  I haven't had a chance to walk on the treadmill this week really, however just living in a bigger house and unpacking stuff and carrying it all over, I'm clocking between 11,000-13,000 steps a day.  And man, I can feel the introduction of stairs in my legs!

cravings/aversions:  Watermelon.  Just freaking give me all the watermelon.

movement:  She is so crazy sometimes.

sleep:  Six hours is apparently my max.  After that I just can't force myself to sleep.  And naturally our air conditioner went out twice this week.  Let me tell you how easy it is to sleep in 80 degrees when you're already pregnant and miserable.  On the subject of the air conditioner, man was I mad.  As part of our home warranty/insurance thing, we get free maintenance visits twice a year.  I decided to go ahead and schedule one for our A/C, thinking I was being all nice for our buyers making sure everything was in good working order.  The guy told us everything checked out great despite our older unit, but come to find out the next day he broke something.  I could go on, but eventually it got fixed and the unit is working just fine.

gender:  Girl.

looking forward to:  Getting all our boxes unpacked (as if that will ever happen), a dresser I ordered arriving so I can switch Elsie's clothes over and unpack baby sisters clothes, other random things.

worries:  Mostly just stressed about getting settled and figuring out what to do with the girls during the day.  I know of some activities for kids where we're at now, but not a ton, and some of them I'm just not feeling up to.

what's different this time:  Well, I don't have itchy palms.  What a weird symptom, I don't remember having that with Elsie, but apparently I did.  And just the whole pregnant in summer thing.  That is kicking my butt!

best moment this week:  I can't decide between having one last play date at our house in KC, or walking in to the kitchen of my new house and being absolutely in love.  Both were pretty awesome.  But it was so good to have our friends over one more time before everything got crazy and we moved out.  I love all the 'mom friends' I've had so much and I am going to miss seeing them on a regular basis like crazy.  All of their kiddos have a special place in my heart.

Also, Elsie and Ryann love on my belly sometimes and it makes my heart melt.  Chris snapped this picture the other day.  I had just come up from my walk on the treadmill and was looking super awesome (HA), but Elsie was trying to feel baby sister move.  It is the sweetest.


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