September 19, 2017
twenty-two weeks | baby five
I feel like I'm carrying this baby higher up than the other three. I've always gotten pretty much the basketball belly, but I feel like there is just more going on in the rib area? Who knows. Also my phone just couldn't handle the overcast lighting for some reason.
how far along: 22 weeks (compare to 22 weeks with Ryann, Elsie and Thea)
size of baby: An ear of corn. At my ultrasound on Friday baby girl the tech guessed that she was already weighing 1lb 2oz! That put her in roughly the 70th percentile. I feel like she'll likely be my biggest baby yet, depending on when I deliver. Maybe the first over 7 pounds? I don't mind them small though. Easier exit. ;o)
weight gain: +14.5 pounds. And somehow I've evened out with the weight that I gained with Thea. Granted I started off six pounds heavier but who cares... (fine. me, a little bit.)
maternity clothes: Yes. But really I hate all clothes and don't want to leave the house because I just want to wear my baggiest most comfortable clothing.
symptoms: I've actually been pretty tired the last week. To the point that I fell asleep while the girls were playing and woke up a couple minutes later to Thea drawing with blue marker on the wall. Fail. Other than that, just noticing the belly more and more.
exercise: Nothing to write home about, but I make sure to keep my step count up and get in a few videos a week.
cravings/aversions: Everything. I want the weather to cool down so soup is more acceptable.
movement: Thursday of last week I finally started to feel some significant movement. It still isn't very consistent or as much as I'd like, but definitely there. Chris actually felt a tap or two.
sleep: It could be better but I won't complain.
gender: Girl
looking forward to: Making it to viability week. I have zero interest in having this baby before Christmas, but I feel like a small weight would be lifted off my shoulders if we could get past 24 weeks. She'd have a chance.
worries: I still just can't shake all the thoughts of ways she might not get to come home with us. It isn't at the front of my mind, but still always there.
best moment this week: As I mentioned on Friday I had my ultrasound and it was so much fun. We confirmed that she was indeed a girl, and then the tech took all her measurements and checked the organs, etc. The cutest part by far was that baby girl had her little ankles crossed and seemed like she was just kicked back, relaxing. And every time the tech would move the wand over her legs she'd jab me in the side. Seriously, I couldn't get over how cute her little feet were. The ultrasound went well and my doctor said baby looked fabulous and beautiful. She struggled to find the heartbeat because little miss apparently would not stay in one position, so it was a good thing that I just had my ultrasound! I was sent home with my lovely glucose drink for my next appointment. Only two more 4 week appointments before I start going every two weeks. This pregnancy is flying at the moment.
Can't wait to meet you baby girl.
twenty weeks | baby five
written September 3rd
Definitely thought I posted this when I wrote it. Whoops. I can't believe I'm already 20 weeks. This pregnancy is flying by for sure. And usually the last few weeks of pregnancy feel like an eternity, but with my due date being so close to the holidays and my history of being induced early, I have a feeling the rest of the pregnancy will fly by at an alarming rate!
how far along: 20 weeks (compare to 20 weeks with Ryann, Elsie and Thea)
size of baby: A Belgian endive. I don't even really know what that is let alone have a clue how big it is, but the app says roughly ten inches.
weight gain: +12.5 pounds. You better believe I'll hold on to that half pound thank you very much.
maternity clothes: Yep. Looking forward to cooler weather and leggings and lots more stretchy things! Lol.
symptoms: I can fall asleep at the drop of the hat, and I can physically tell I'm pregnant just because the belly can get in the way and my crotch hurts on the regular. But overall I feel pretty darn good. Going to enjoy this little sweet spot while I can!
exercise: My knees were hurting pretty bad at the beginning of the week, but I did I think four videos this past week, along with hitting 10,000+ steps daily. This morning I did intervals, it was only a total of about one mile running to two miles walking, but at least I haven't completely lost my ability to run. My last 'run' in the workout I lasted four minutes, I'll take it.
cravings/aversions: At the moment I can't wait to eat all the watermelon we have cut up in the fridge. But mostly just food. I like food. A lot.
movement: I'm feeling her a tiny bit here and there daily, but it is still barely enough to feel. To the point that I question if I've felt movement and I've become more dependent on my doppler in the last few days than I had been. I know my placenta is completely across the front and I know that makes a big difference. But come on baby girl, help your mama out.
sleep: Surprisingly good.
gender: Girl
looking forward to: Elsie and Thea start preschool on Wednesday, and so begins my two mornings a week to try and get all the nesting done! I'm actually pretty pumped about it. I'm determined to get all the toys and things organized to a point that it isn't such a hassle when I tell the girls to clean up. And I have to figure out how I'm going to fit all of Ryann and Elsie's stuff in one room. Yikes.
worries: That something will be wrong at our ultrasound. Less than two weeks to go.
best moment this week: Reaching that official halfway point?
Definitely thought I posted this when I wrote it. Whoops. I can't believe I'm already 20 weeks. This pregnancy is flying by for sure. And usually the last few weeks of pregnancy feel like an eternity, but with my due date being so close to the holidays and my history of being induced early, I have a feeling the rest of the pregnancy will fly by at an alarming rate!
how far along: 20 weeks (compare to 20 weeks with Ryann, Elsie and Thea)
size of baby: A Belgian endive. I don't even really know what that is let alone have a clue how big it is, but the app says roughly ten inches.
weight gain: +12.5 pounds. You better believe I'll hold on to that half pound thank you very much.
maternity clothes: Yep. Looking forward to cooler weather and leggings and lots more stretchy things! Lol.
symptoms: I can fall asleep at the drop of the hat, and I can physically tell I'm pregnant just because the belly can get in the way and my crotch hurts on the regular. But overall I feel pretty darn good. Going to enjoy this little sweet spot while I can!
exercise: My knees were hurting pretty bad at the beginning of the week, but I did I think four videos this past week, along with hitting 10,000+ steps daily. This morning I did intervals, it was only a total of about one mile running to two miles walking, but at least I haven't completely lost my ability to run. My last 'run' in the workout I lasted four minutes, I'll take it.
cravings/aversions: At the moment I can't wait to eat all the watermelon we have cut up in the fridge. But mostly just food. I like food. A lot.
movement: I'm feeling her a tiny bit here and there daily, but it is still barely enough to feel. To the point that I question if I've felt movement and I've become more dependent on my doppler in the last few days than I had been. I know my placenta is completely across the front and I know that makes a big difference. But come on baby girl, help your mama out.
sleep: Surprisingly good.
gender: Girl
looking forward to: Elsie and Thea start preschool on Wednesday, and so begins my two mornings a week to try and get all the nesting done! I'm actually pretty pumped about it. I'm determined to get all the toys and things organized to a point that it isn't such a hassle when I tell the girls to clean up. And I have to figure out how I'm going to fit all of Ryann and Elsie's stuff in one room. Yikes.
worries: That something will be wrong at our ultrasound. Less than two weeks to go.
best moment this week: Reaching that official halfway point?