February 29, 2012

a day in the life - lorryn

Good morning and happy Wednesday everyone!  This morning I woke up to a rousing rendition of 'row row row your boat' as loud as can be over the monitor at 6:30am.  It was ridiculous.  If only Ryann could take a lesson from Lorryn's little cutie, Alexis, and sleep until 7:30... :o).  I hope you enjoy a peek into Lorryn's day!


Hello fellow readers! I'm Lorryn - mother to a 6-month old doll named Alexis {aka Miss L} and wife to my childhood sweetheart and best friend. I work {part-time} in marketing 1 day/week at the office and some from home daily. I started blogging at A Modern Family to share our life experiences with others. Somedays I feel like Jane Jetson living in a house with remote-controlled lights, touch faucets and a wi-fi fridge. At the same time, our faith and budget keeps us grounded and challenged. We enjoy little travel-filled, technology-forward, responsibly-budgeted lifestyle and perhaps others would like to see inside our world. Below is a glimpse of my typical Tuesday...specifically Fat Tuesday!

6:30 a.m. - open my eyes long enough to kiss my hubby goodbye as he dashes off to work.

7:30 a.m. - Miss L begins playing in her crib - I let her wake up on her own terms as I do the same from the comfort of my bed.

8:00 a.m.- I bring her into my bed for her first feeding of the day. There, I lie with baby girl next to me and our sweet kitty cat nestled between my legs, at this moment I truly feel like Mother Hen.

After nursing, we go downstairs to play. I turn on The Today Show for some background noise and the occasional news story of interest. Miss L started crawling this week, so I am thankful I can watch her while I make myself a little breakfast sandwich- a little ham, egg, veggies, & cheese - and finish the dishes from last night.

10:00 a.m. Miss L goes down for a nap in her crib, and went down without a peep. Ahh..silence. This is my "Power Hour": I have to be uber-productive. I stop in our bedroom and make the bed, toss dirty laundry in the hamper, and spend about 10 minutes getting myself put together {teeth brushed, make up on, hair-slightly done and an outfit sans spit up}. Then, down to the 1st floor where I flip on the Coffeehouse Sirius radio station...and open my laptop. This is my time to work, work, work. I created a weekly fill-in chart of activities, meals and to-dos {See below} It is arranged by day/column and then category, which helps me stay focused, organized and keeps me from the distractions of Pinterest and crappy daytime TV.

11:20 a.m. Miss L wakes and we're back to play time, some bouncing in the jumperoo and reading a book or two! I take the jumperoo time as an opportunity to make some lunch for mommy and prepare a little taste of solids for Miss L. With her cold lately, we haven't been pushing solids too much. More so, giving her frozen fruits and veggies in these mesh little baby popsicles.

1:30 p.m. Nap #2: More work. I try to make phone calls while she is napping, both business and personal. I multi-task as I conquer a few household chores that I projected on my weekly chart. This time Miss L wants to play a little in her crib {Apparently, I made her nursery decor too stimulating, she loves looking at the vinyl wall decor}. I turn on my Angelcare 3-in-1 video monitor {best baby item, see below!}... I turn on the timer so I know exactly how long she has been in her crib. The thermometer on my mointor handset keeps me posted what her room temperature is...which is important as I an running a warm humidifer.

6 - 8 p.m. Currently, every Tuesday, Miss L and I attend a local parent and child class directed through our school district's E.C.F.E. {Early Childhood Family Education}. Minnesota is very family-oriented and we try to take advantage of every opportunity to learn and grow. Plus, we are new to the Twin Cities and it helps get me out of the house and spend time with other new moms. With that said, we usually are on our own for dinner on Tuesdays - each of us grabbing a little something on the way home or to class. With this Tuesday being Fat Tuesday, we made plans to meet up at TGI Friday's for a "Dessert Date!" Plus, we are giving up sweets {cake, cookies, candy, & ice cream} for lent...so this was one last taste. I failed to take a picture of my delicious, peanut butter pie while at the restaurant, so please excuse the stock photo below.

9ish p.m.  Arrive back home to get Miss L in her pj's, nurse her, read a book and placed in her crib. Then, I do this race around the house that I do every Tuesday night as I prepare for her to go to daycare tomorrow {I work mostly on Wednesdays}. Bottles made, diaper bag packed with a plethora of burp cloths and clothes. Then, to my briefcase, purse, breastpumping supplies and laying out my clothes for the morning. This is a routine I loathe...I am extremely thankful that I only have to do this once per week and give a ton of credit to the moms that do this dance every single night. By 10:30 p.m. We are heading to bed, to watch a little more TV and relax. Good night!

1.  What is the most surprising thing about being a mom?

Just how much fun life can be with baby! Every day she makes me smile.

2.  What advice would you give new or soon-to-be moms?In those initial days/weeks/months, stay in your pj's/robe until you have slept for at least 8 hours for the day {collectively}, that way if anyone knocks on your door and sees your 'wardrobe,' they will make their visit brief and leave you alone {to sleep!}. Also, fly while the babies are free {and easy} - Miss L completed her 12th flight prior to 6 months old.

3.  What are your top three baby products?

First and foremost, the 3-in-1 video monitor by Angelcare. The video has great clarity, the temperature gauge is nice, the timer is used everytime to keep track of how long she has been napping and the peace of mind of the detector mat sensing her every breath is priceless.

Secondly, MyBrestFriend, the nursing pillow. I received two Boppy pillows as gifts and within a week after delivery went and purchased MyBrestFriend. It provides great support for your back, the cushion contours in front help position the baby and the sewn in pocket is helpful for "nursing supplies" on demand such as lanolin or nipple shields.

Lastly, the Cloud B Sleep Sheep. This battery-operated, portable noise maker is extremely helpful, day and night. The larger version is attached to her crib and boasts 4 sounds including one to mimic the sound of mom's heartbeat from the womb. The "On the Go" version is attached to the car seat, at all times, and has been a lifesaver while doing some mall walking or anywhere with distractions.

Thanks for reading about our world and thank you to Ashley for inspiring women like myself to express ourselves in this blogging community of amazing women.


Thank you for sharing your day with us Lorryn! 

February 28, 2012


A certain little sass monster has recently become rather possessive.  Her newest favorite phrase? 

"That's mine!"


This weekend we were at the park.  Ryann was looking for pinecones and "nuts for the 'quirrels."  She was carrying around some sort of nut when a little girl, probably about her age, walked up and stood in front of Ryann.  Ryann's instant reaction, "No!  Don't touch it!  It's mine!"  Sheesh kid!  The poor little girl and her mother were a bit taken back, partially by the comment, and partially by Ryann's verbal skills (the mother's first question after her little gasp was of course, "how old is she?").

That same afternoon while we were walking back from the park, Ryann started yelling out, "No car!  Don't drive on my street!  No, please truck (at least she said please?)!  Don't drive on my road!"  Um?  Your street?  I have no idea what made her think it was HER street.  Chris and I alternated between laughing and trying to to explain that it was not her street.  Not even close since our house wasn't in sight.


I'm not really sure what sparked this 'everything is mine' mentality.  I know most toddlers display the behavior.  Maybe she has started trying to stand up for herself at Mother's Day Out?  Or possibly in the gym childcare center?  I don't know.  I have noticed her taking an interest in labeling items according to their owners.  Not in a negative way, just more so, "This is mommy's?  This is Ryann's.  It is MY cup.  That drink is Daddy's."

Whatever the case, hopefully her little attitude doesn't get out of control.  And in the meantime, I suggest being careful around these parts, you might get scolded for being on HER street.  :o)

February 27, 2012

a couple of things

This week I learned a couple of things.

1.  I like the barbell strength class at the gym.
YES!  We didn't have a playdate scheduled for last Monday, so I decided to suck it up and try out the barbell strength class.  I had been a little intimidated, because the class also happens on Saturdays right after the 50/50 fitness class I take.  The people wanting to take the barbell class stand outside like vultures, and as soon as our class looks over they come running in, scrambling for benches and equipment and shoving us out of the way.  Seriously.  This weekend my friend's phone and water bottle got kicked halfway across the room because they people coming in couldn't wait for two minutes while we put our equipment away and left.

So I was a little worried that the barbell class was just crazy and hardcore in general.  But the Monday class?  Not at all like the Saturday class.  I got there maybe ten minutes early, and there was plenty of space.  I was able to ask the instructor what I needed and for a few tips.  The class is a perfect strength class for me.  The moves aren't complicated to the point where I'm struggling to just figure out what I'm doing.  They are pretty straight forward, and I can just concentrate on using my muscles.  I was nice and sore on Tuesday.  Score!  Can't wait to go back again today. 

2.  Lululemon running crops are amazing.
I've heard of everyone talking about how Lululemon stuff is awesome.  My sister practically lives in the stuff.  But I couldn't convince myself that I needed an $80 pair of running pants.  The Target stuff was just fine and I could have three pairs for the cost of one from Lululemon.  But you guys?  The Target stuff is no comparison.  I recently got a pair of run: excel crops.  If it wouldn't completely destroy them I would wash them and wear them everyday.  They feel that great to run in.  The right amount of compression, a good drawstring at the waist, really everything.  I couldn't come up with a complaint.  Now I know what will be on my wishlist for my birthday and Christmas this year!

Something to note, if you are going to buy expensive workout gear, you should probably wash them properly.  Did you know nearly all workout gear should not be washed with fabric softner?  I knew the Lululemon stuff said that, but I check out all of my workout clothes, and everything from my Nike pants to my Target sports bra specifically stated 'no fabric softner' on the tag.  It can ruin the wicking features of the fabric and things like that.  So if you didn't before, now you know!


Unrelated to these two things, yesterday I had a fantastic run thanks to two things.  I got to be outside, and I got to go with  my running buddy, Jill.  It could have been a little less windy, but overall the weather was decent.  We set off for 8 miles, and part way in Jill mentioned she had never run more than 8.  After we passed the halfway point, Nancy (what Jill named the lady on iMapMyRun who announced our time, mileage and pace... oh I was using that because my Garmin is dead like won't even charge dead, don't get me started...) informed us that our pace was around 8:54 per mile.  I told Jill that she could most definitely do 9 miles, so we agreed to run a half mile past our cars.  When we hit the 7 mile mark our pace was down to 8:44 per mile.  What?  We were rocking it.  We finished 9 miles in 1:18:16.  8:41 per mile.  Bam.

And then discovered that Jill had dropped her car key somewhere along the way.  Whoops!  We started off retracing our steps, but after a little over a mile we were done.  Thankfully her husband came to the rescue with a spare key.  And overall we covered 11.41 miles.  Not too shabby for a Sunday morning.  And the longest distance I've covered since the half in October.  I'll take it!  Too bad I missed out on the half in April, I know I could finish in under two hours :o(.

Oh well.  Did you learn anything new this week?

week in iphone pics

Now that I have last weeks pictures out of the way, here are the ones from this week.  Pretty much a  million pictures of Ryann, but that is no surprise to anyone I'm sure.  And a lot of these photos have gone through instagram, so if you're following me there I apologize, from now on you'll be seeing the photos twice!


Oh my little miss sassy pants.  She NEEDED her sunglasses that morning.  Of course I was happy to oblige, considering she looks awesome rockin' them.  She helped me put on my make-up and looked adorable strolling with Daddy through Home Depot.


My little queen of ridiculous faces.  I can't wait to see how many more she adds to her bag of tricks :o).  And check out her awesome new boots.  She may or may not have a slightly difficult time walking since they come all the way up to her knees... but they are so freaking cute and she is getting used to it!  I also made another batch of peanut butter banana chocolate chip cookies.  Bad idea, very bad...


I asked Ryann what she wanted to wear that day.  She told me a skirt.  I opened her drawer to look for one of her regular skirts, and she said "No mommy.  Not a skirt.  A tutu.  The one that plays music!"  Grammy bought her that tutu before she was born, now she occasionally requests to wear it :o).  It has a little speaker thing in it that plays a tune she can dance to.  So cute.  And while at Hobby Lobby she made us stop the cart so she could smell the flowers.  No matter that they were fake, she had to smell them.


We were in need of some groceries, so I opted for a Super Target run.  Of course it is necessary to check out the dollar bin whenever you are in Target.  Green sparkly hats?  Yes please.  Ryann doesn't like being messy.  And I should probably invest in a step stool so she doesn't have to lay on the bathroom counter to wash her hands...  My post nap cutie.  And enjoying some decent weather outdoors.


Checking to make sure her teeth were clean before heading to school.  Thursday evening I tried my hand at a batch of red beet hummus.  Chris is absolutely NOT a fan.  Personally I don't think it is too bad, but it is no comparison to my favorite sun dried tomato basil hummus from Trader Joes.  But the real verdict comes from Ryann, and she actually will eat some!  The bright pink/red color is very enticing.


We started Friday off by continuing the red beet theme and whipping up a batch of red beet pancakes.  I think these are easier to convince a little one to eat, and Ryann did eat one that particular morning.  But reheated she wouldn't eat it :o(.  Personally I thought with syrup there wasn't too much of a difference from regular pancakes.  You can definitely tell they taste different, but it wasn't terribly gross or anything.  Ryann sported piggy tails for the morning.  I heart piggies.  And happy little girls.  Post nap her hair was a bit out of control, no big deal.  The double fisting of the drinks?  I have no explanation for that.  


ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK BABY!  I was most definitely a proud Jayhawk after Saturday's game.  Well I'm always a proud Jayhawk, just more so on some days :o).  Ryann assisted us in a little grocery shopping at Whole Foods.  And also insisted on eating a lemon at dinner.  Why she always wants to suck on lemons is beyond me.  For the record I don't offer them to her, she asks.

Overall a pretty decent week.  How was yours?

week in iphone pics

While uploading my iphone pictures from this week, I realized I never posted my photos from last week, so here they are (minus Valentine's Day seeing as I already posted a million of them).


It was a good little week.  And that picture in the middle of the top row?  Love it.  Thanks for getting such a good one Hanna :o).  I also really enjoyed watching Ry's awesome dance movies while she was grooving with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Or Max's Big Music Show.  I can't remember.  But she is cute!

February 24, 2012

this and that

::  I'm having another one of those weeks where I'm feeling incredibly behind.  I just can't make myself get on top of my to-do list.  Gah.  I'll catch up eventually, right?

::  Last week Laura asked if I would share about how we got Ryann to sleep through the night.  The short answer?  The Ferber method.  I know that isn't everyone's cup of tea, but we were at a point where both Ryann and I were crying at every nap and bedtime.  And I was up for a good 2-3 hours during the night rocking her because she couldn't sleep without me, but she couldn't sleep with me either.  You can read more about our sleep training attempts here, here and here.

::  My plan to weed out photos on my computer hasn't exactly been going well.  I keep forgetting to do it, and, um, just adding more pictures.  I think there are somewhere close to 53,000 photos in my iphoto library now.  And my computer can barely function because of it.  I really need to fix that situation...

::  Speaking of photos... random ones from a nice day last week.


::  I was randomly browsing Land of Nod the other day and came across this bed.  Too bad it doesn't match Ryann's room, I love the color and the style.  So cute!


::  Grammy and Papa are getting Ryann a play kitchen for her birthday.  This one to be exact (unless someone has seen that one in person and it is horrible or something, please let me know if you have!).  So I'm trying to find some play cooking utensils to get her, but I'm having a hard time finding anything I love.  I don't want primary colors or junky plastic.  She has the Green Toys tea set, so I was considering the matching dishes and cookwear.  But ultimately I'd prefer something neutral.  I was all excited about this set by Plan Toys, but the reviews said the metal dented easily.  Boo.  Any suggestions?  What are your favorite play kitchen products?

::  I've actually got three or so recipes with photos that I need to share, but I haven't wanted to load the pictures on my computer, because I'm scared it won't function.  Fail.

::  I should go attempt to be productive...

February 23, 2012

February 22, 2012

a day in the life - jennifer

Check it out.  A day in the life on Wednesday!  :o)  I hope you enjoy getting a little peek at a day in the life of Jennifer.


Hi everyone! I'm Jennifer and I blog over at FeelthatFire! I'm a stay at home mom to a 3 year old (and recently found out we're expecting a second baby in Oct) and wife. I'm going to share with all you lovely readers what a day in my life is like!

It's very hard to get my husband to smile!

 4:30-4:45 - On days that my husband is home I wake up this early and make his lunch and see him off to work.
5:30 - Go back to sleep!!

 6:30-7:30 - Lyla wakes up and wants to watch cartoons. I get up and feed the dog, make Lyla a piece of peanut butter toast and I try to eat something so I can get over the queasiness that has now taken over since I hit the 6 week mark of pregnancy. This is also the time that I go through my email, check facebook and all that while trying to wake up.

 8:30 - Make Lyla a real breakfast. Some days she wants pancakes/waffles or some days she'll just eat yogurt and fruit.
9:30 - Shower. Get myself ready and get Lyla ready for the day.
10:30 - Go run whatever errands we need to run. Seems like every day there is something we need to get or somewhere we need to be!

Doing a little shopping, ultrasound to see new baby and a nap while more shopping!

12:30 - Lunch! Lately Lyla has been on a pb&j kick and that's all she wants to eat for lunch and that is fine with me as long as she's eating!
1:00 - Time for me to clean the house, do laundry etc while Lyla plays.
2:30 - Color, practice letters/numbers/colors, read with Lyla. Sometimes we have a tea party with a special snack.

4:30 - Start preparing dinner.
5:30-5:45 - Hubby gets home!!
6:00 - We eat dinner
6:45 - I clean up the dishes from dinner and hubby usually calls his dad (They can't go a few hours without talking haha)
7:30 - Get Lyla ready for bed (bath every other day). Read her books. She will not fall asleep in her bed ever so she'll either come lay on the couch with me or in my bed.
8:30-9:00 - Lyla will fall asleep so I put her in her own bed and then it's my time to spend with hubby and watch the stuff we want to watch on tv.

Sleeping in her custom race car bed!

10:00-11:00 - Bedtime!! And then we start all over again.

(There are no pics with daddy cause today was a day he was out of town!)

I know it's not a super glamorous life but I love it and wouldn't want it any other way!! So I hope you'll come check out my blog! Thank you so much Ashley for letting me share my day with you and all your readers!!

And the questions...
What is the most surprising thing about being a mother?
I think the most surprising thing to me was how other moms can relate so well. A lot of times I thought I was alone in what was happening to me but I'd go on the Internet and see so many moms dealing with what I was.
What advice would you give new or soon-to-be moms?
Don't be afraid to ask for help. If there's something you need help with, I.e. breast feeding, PPD get help. It's ok and there's nothing wrong with needing help.
What are your top three baby products?
A boppy, it helps so much with breast feeding! Some kind of reclined chair/swing that will fit in your bathroom, it will make showering sooo much easier. Lots of burp clothes, receiving blankets stuff like that. You will go through a lot in one day!! And keep them nearby at all times!


Thank you, Jennifer, for sharing your day with us!

February 21, 2012

melting my heart


Yesterday Ryann was killing me with all her cuteness.  Seriously, it was ridiculous.  On probably four different occasions she came up to me, squeezed my leg with all her might, and said "I love you Mama."  I was teetering between my cheeks falling off from smiling so big, and breaking down and crying because of how sweet it was.

Later in the evening Christopher was changing her diaper and I overheard her say, "I love you so much Daddy."  Ohmygosh are you kidding me?  Seriously?  Seriously.  The sweetness was in overdrive.  And it didn't stop until she fell asleep.  This is what we were graced with while listening to her on the monitor...

there is no need to watch the image, or after the 25 second mark, FYI :)

Unfortunately we missed the best version with the video.  But you get the idea.

It absolutely melted my heart.  She has being tucking her seahorse in with precise blanket placement and everything.  Telling all her babies she loves them to the moon and back.  Giving me the pink necklaces because "mommy loves the pink ones."  Pretty much just being the cutest sweetest thing ever.

Please remind me of that when tomorrow she throws her fork on the floor twelve times and slams her door in my face :o).  

February 20, 2012

surviving the 'dread' mill

When I first started running, I stuck mostly to the treadmill.  Partly because I thought I looked like a fool while I was running, and mostly because I was terrified of dealing with hills.  Though I got more comfortable with being outdoors, Chris started residency and the only way for me to get my workout in was to hit the gym.  So the treadmill it was.

Even though I would much rather be outside, I'm not interested in being outside at 5am (or before), and I prefer to get my workout finished in the morning.  So I'm still hitting the treadmill.  Treadmill runs have gotten easier as I've gotten faster.  Knowing I only have to last about 28 minutes to get in three miles is pretty doable.  For the 3-4 mile runs, to keep me sane I tend to do intervals and my own little version of speed work.  Alternating the speed and incline keeps me a bit distracted and helps the time go by.  If I'm not up for a hard workout, reading the captions on the TVs at the gym also helps.  Or people watching.  Anything to keep from watching ever 1/100th of a mile tick off.

For long runs (6+ miles) I would much prefer to be outside.  I could always do my long runs on Thursdays, when Ryann is at MDO, but it tends to eat up 2-2.5 hours out of my day (including a shower), and I would rather shower before Ryann gets up and have a good solid six hour time span to do what I want.  Thankfully I've lucked out and Chris has been home a lot of Sundays, or I've been at my parents.  But lately that hasn't been the case.  I've been slacking on the long runs because I am so sick of the treadmill.

Yesterday, though, I decided I needed to do more than six miles.  It has been a few weeks since I've done that distance and I was feeling guilty about it.  So I set out to do 7 miles on the treadmill.  A few things made that slightly daunting...

First, the treadmill switches to cool down mode after an hour.  I can make it 7 miles in an hour, but I have to be going fast.  And I wasn't up for killing myself.  I knew if I hit the hour mark before 7 miles, I'd just call it good and get off then.  The solution?  Take a bathroom break halfway through.  After 3.5 miles, I stopped my treadmill and made a little pit stop.  Then hopped back on and did another 4.

Secondly, BOREDOM.  Really that it is one of the most difficult things about being on a treadmill.  You are in the same spot for the entirety of your workout.  So spending over an hour in the same spot?  Not so much fun.  I started playing games.  For a while it was every time there was a commercial break in the show I had to change my speed.  Then it was if the guy next to me increased his speed I had to increase mine.  Obviously if it started to get too tough I slowed back down and then worked my way up again.

People watching is definitely another way to combat boredom.  There was, I'm guessing, a 13 year old girl at the gym with her mom yesterday.  Just a tiny little thing.  She must have changed cardio equipment five times during my 3.5 mile stretch.  I have no idea what she was doing.  Probably just trying them out, but it was kind of funny to watch.

Ok this post is mostly just rambling,  Moral of it?  If you're stuck on the treadmill play some sort of game with yourself.  Running is so mental, you just have to distract yourself.

And I'm patting myself on the back, 7.57 miles on the treadmill yesterday.  Not too shabby.


How do you survive mundane cardio workouts?
I hope the linky stays working this week.  Sorry for the mess last week!

February 18, 2012

project 366 {week 7}


The first two photos need to come with an explanation or story.  Those 'speical sleep mittens'?  Yeah, the wee one has been rocking them all week.  Not sure if you can tell, but we have been battling with her on picking a scab on her forehead.  It is terrible.  It was a little bitty scratch that turned into a big nasty owie.  We were keeping a band-aid on it, but during bedtime and naptime she was pulling it off and doing damage.  The solution?  The special sleep mittens :o).  Surprisingly they have been working rather well.

And her tupperware helmet (which by the way, I originally spelled helmUt.  have I mentioned spelling isn't my thing...)?  She put it on her head and told me it was a helmet.  So she could ride her motorcycle just like Papa.  Awwwww.  Too cute. 

February 17, 2012

a day in the life - amanda

Surprise!  A day in the life on Friday again.  Today you get a little peek at Amanda's life.


Thank you Ashley for a) reminding me it was my week to post b) giving me until Friday because I'm an e-mail slacker and I've had a cRaZy week! I absolutely love your blog and your weight loss has inspired me to get healthier.

A little about my blog and our family... My husband and I have been married for 7 years this June. I am one of those crazy girls that got married a month after I graduated and it worked out well for us! I think it's possibly because we had 3 years of marriage before my stepson came to live with us and 5 years before we had our first child together. We live on 5 acres in the middle of the woods and we love animals. We have a variety of dogs, fish, and turtles. We are adding some goats into the mix soon, we hope. I stay at home with the kiddos and my hubby brings home the bacon, for now. I am also a full time student (online) and I will graduate this coming December after taking 2 years off!

A typical day in our life begins at 6:45 in the morning. We wake up, make ourselves presentable, let the dogs out I get some coffee, Finley Kate gets some juice, Bryce fixes himself something to eat and then we head off to take Bryce to school. FK usually falls back asleep in the car, but on the rare occasion she doesn't she watched Toy Story.

Once we get back from the morning school drop off FK and I eat breakfast. She loves cheese grits (ewww) and I usually have cereal with almond milk. While she is eating I usually feed the dogs, put on some laundry, unload the dishes from the dishwasher, etc. Next I work on school work, blog, or do anything computer related. FK is usually coloring or watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Most of the time, I end up coloring and watching TV with her too.

We usually have a snack and head to the playroom to color some more, read books, play baby dolls, Barbies, with the play kitchen or with some other toys she finds. If the weather is nice we go outside and play with the sidewalk chalk or in the yard. The dogs are with us outside too, it's another potty break and their exercise time as well.

And this is why we don't leave the pantry door open.... ever
Lunch time and then nap time for Miss Finley and sometimes for Mommy too ;) While she is sleeping I'm generally cleaning the house, dusting, folding laundry, having lunch, and doing school work and/or blogging. If all of the above is done I read using my Kindle app (I am finishing up The Mockingjay currently) or catch up on Grey's, Vampire Diaries, or some other guilty pleasure show (hello Kim K.)... I also usually take a shower during this time frame.

Snack time for Finley Kate  and I usually lay out some meat for dinner (or throw something in the crockpot), let the dogs out again. We color, read, vacuum, and weather permitting we usually head outside again. I love that FK is getting older and wants to be outside more. We have been really lucky this year because this winter  had been well above average in the temperature department!

We leave to get Bubba from school and Toy Story is usually playing on the DVD player. Once we get to the school she is asleep and I'm on the phone while waiting in line or reading on my phone using the Kindle app. On the days that he has baseball practice we don't leave to get him until 5 and aren't back home until 6:15 or so.

This is from a few weeks ago when we were all sick. Bryce is an amazing big brother!
We make dinner, finish up any remaining laundry and usually have another snack and some more juice (we do juice twice a day and water the rest of the day).  Finley plays with Bryce, watches TV with him, color some more. We play in the play room some more, read,  and I help Bryce with his homework, when he has it. We let the dogs out (again) and finish up anything that needs to be done.

Daddy gets home from work and we eat dinner as a family and clean up the kitchen.

Bath time for FK, and we watch TV together as a family, or spend time in the playroom and Finley Kate usually falls asleep and Bryce heads up to bed.

9:30- whenever I fall asleep!
I watch TV, read, tidy up the house one last time before bed! Get on Facebook, Pinterest, or anything else that is just for me! Some nights (especially this week) I just go straight to bed!

What is the most surprising thing about being a mom?
For me, the most surprising thing was how difficult it is to leave her. Before Finley was 1 she stayed with a babysitter one time it about killed me. It was only for a few hours and that was all I could take. Shortly after she turned 1 I had to complete my first block of student teaching and it was very hard on me, she was fine. In that same token, I am very picky about who I leave her with and I call every hour to check on her. The older she gets, and the better she can communicate it seems to get easier!

What advice would you give new or soon to be moms?
Enjoy every minute, even the crying and waking up through the all through the night (FK didn't sleep through the night until she was 15 months old!) because it goes by so quickly you will miss it! I don't think you can hold you baby enough the first year, but also know that it is okay if you need a break.

What are your top 3 baby products?
  • Nursing Cover: This is an absolute must for modest nursing Mama's! I was very self conscious about nursing in public having a cover really helped me cope with my fear of NIP! The one I had was Udder Covers in the Maria print. I got it free, except shipping and handling, with a code I found online. They have them all the time if you are looking for one!
  • Moby Wrap: The Moby was discovered when FK was 3 or 4 months old but I really wish I had it from the beginning. She is only just now beginning to get on a good schedule with napping and not need to be held to sleep. I used the Moby religiously once I got it for nursing in public (you seriously can't even tell they are nursing!) and for carrying her. It was  LIFESAVER while grocery shopping because she hated the carseat and I am too short to snap it into the buggy anyway. I had the green one but I seriously wish I would have known about the cute prints... but I love it either way!
  • Jogging Stroller: I love my jogging stroller. I use it a lot even when I am not exercising because it is such a smooth ride for baby girl. Anytime I exercise I use it because I always have Finley with me, ya know being the over protective Mama I am and everything. 
There are a ton more items I could list but those are for sure my top 3! We also love Sophie the giraffe, anything Leapfrog, Up and Up diapers, Huggies wipes, and the Bumbo seat!


No worries on being a bit behind Amanda, life happens!  Thank you for sharing your day with us!