April 5, 2015
twenty-one weeks
written April 3rd
how far along: 21 weeks (compare to 21 weeks with Ryann, 21 weeks with Elsie)
size of baby: Supposedly the size of a banana. These fruit analogies are entertaining, especially to Ryann, but man they can be confusing. Supposedly somewhere around 7 inches and 11 ounces, although I feel like our little girl is a bit bigger since she measured 13 ounces at the ultrasound a week ago. Yes I'm well aware those measurements can be wrong.
weight gain: 12 pounds. I've almost stopped caring.
maternity clothes: I hate all clothes. But yes, maternity clothes.
symptoms: Between sleep deprivation and hormones I'm a complete emotional nut. I also would like to eat everything. But I think the latter is more related to stress than the pregnancy.
exercise: I managed to run a mile in .15 mile increments on Tuesday. And then I spent two days sitting in the hospital with Miss Elsie and didn't do a whole lot at all. I only got in 62,983 steps this week.
cravings/aversions: Nothing in particular. I just like eating.
movement: It isn't super strong but I feel her moving a lot. A few times it has been very strong though. One night Christopher had his hand on my stomach and she nailed him a few good times. We were both surprised at how distinct it was. I was surprised by how high I was feeling movement already, but looking back on my post with Elsie I had the same thoughts. I did see my belly move twice one night.
sleep: The night before we went to the hospital I slept horribly. And then I spent a night in the hospital playing keep Elsie's oxygen level up. So sleep this week was miserable. And the amount I've cried today shows it. But whatever.
gender: Girl.
looking forward to: I don't know right now. I just want to survive the next few days and hopefully feel a little more 'normal' mentally. I'm just drained and I don't want to do anything. Yet I want to accomplish so much.
worries: Pretty much right now I'm only worried about Elsie. I feel like she is a little bomb waiting to go off and I'm terrified of dealing with her asthma long term. I know it will become more second nature and less scary as we go on, but right now I'm just overwhelmed.
what's different this time: The two major differences from my pregnancy with Elsie are the amount of weight gained and lack of ability to run.
best moment this week: Not sure this is the best moment, but I did enjoy that when Elsie was taking a nap on my lap (and by lap I mean sprawled across my whole body), baby sister was kicking her over and over again. Elsie didn't notice, but it was funny to me.
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