November 15, 2017

thirty weeks | baby five


Reality? I'm likely giving birth in eight weeks or less.  To our fourth child.  Is that not insane?  I'm in denial.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited, but we've still got Thanksgiving, my Dad's birthday, Christmas, and a million other things happening before baby and then all the sudden, BOOM.  It is going to be baby time.

I had my 30 week check-up yesterday.  All is well, I've been feeling good, my blood pressure was good (114/78), I got my rhogam injection, baby sounded great and is head down, and I was in and out of the office in about 25 minutes total.  Not too shabby.  I'm now on bi-weekly appointments.  The end of this pregnancy is going to fly by no doubt!

how far along:  30 weeks + 3 days (compare to 30 weeks with Ryann, Elsie and Thea)

size of baby:  A summer cantaloupe.  Likely around 17 inches long and near 3.5 pounds. 

weight gain: +24 pounds.  Hoping I can I slow the weight gain down as I finish out this pregnancy, but let's be real, Thanksgiving + Christmas...

maternity clothes: Yes.

symptoms:  For the most part it has just been restless legs and exhaustion, but yesterday and today my back has been hurting quite a bit.  It is frustrating, but I guess not unexpected.  I scheduled a prenatal massage in hopes that it will help, because I'm not quite ready to slow down and take it easy just yet.

exercise:  Still just walking, which is pretty much what I intend to do for the rest of the pregnancy.  I look back at my pregnancy with Elsie and seriously can't believe how much I was able to work out.  I know I do a lot more chasing kids around and stairs and such than I did during that pregnancy, but still.

cravings/aversions:  Nothing in particular.  Actually I've been dreaming about white cheese dip from El Mez for nearly two months, however I don't want to eat any other food from there and I have a feeling it would make me feel sick, so I'm trying to convince myself it isn't worth it.

movement:  I've gone from feeling regular movement to OMG she is trying to bust out of my stomach all the time in a matter of two weeks.  There are periods where she is just not still at all and I swear it is like a cartoon when an animal swallows something, and then it proceeds to toss him around from the inside.  Does that make sense?  Anyway, definitely not lacking any movement these days.

sleep:  I'm definitely needing more and more sleep to function well.

gender:  Girl

looking forward to:  Setting up her nursery.  We decided on a name, that I may or may not share before she is born, and we've slowly started towards getting all the rooms switched around.  I'm hoping once we actually make a room for her that it feels a little more real!

worries: In the last few weeks Thea has become quite the handful.  Stubborn and persistent and just a touch difficult to deal with at times!  She is a runner and does not listen to me in public and I'm terrified that when I have a baby in my arms she is going to bolt and there won't be a thing I can do about it.

best moment this week:  I can't think of anything specific pregnancy related.  My mom and I worked on organizing the playroom and that was rather satisfying.  Unfortunately we then moved everything out of Ryann's room so we could paint and start the process of moving Elsie in, so the house is still in shambles per the usual.  I think that is just our life now.

A few more photos from the last two weeks... The snuggles, my 29 week belly (apparently I've been wearing red lately?), and with Whit, who is due just a few days after me!  Her first babe came almost right at 35 weeks, and I've never made it to 40 weeks, so it'll be fun to see who delivers first.


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