December 27, 2017

thirty-six weeks | baby five


My blood pressure has been all over the place with no real rhyme or reason to it, but everything else looks fine, so apparently no one cares?  Whatever.  I've had numbers between 120/80 to 160/95 over the last two weeks.  But more blood work came back just fine.  My family was all hoping I'd be induced this coming Friday (the 29th) but that isn't looking likely at all.  Maybe this will be the first time I actually make it to 39 weeks?  Whatever the case, I'm meeting baby girl in 16 days or less.  It is still pretty surreal.

how far along:  36 weeks + 3 days (compare to 36 weeks with Ryann, Elsie and Thea)

size of baby:  A ripe papaya.  She is likely nearing 19 inches and 6 pounds.

weight gain: +29 pounds.  I hadn't gained any weight in a few weeks, and then BAM.  Christmas happened.  Oh well.

maternity clothes: Definitely.

symptoms:  Restless legs, back pain, constipation, headaches, and now we can add swelling to the list.  I've had a few days of horrible swelling, but overall it isn't too bad.  But it is definitely pitting now which is awesome if I try to wear real shoes.

exercise:  Nothing really.  But now that I'm nearing the 37 week mark, I'm thinking I need to increase the walking again, encourage little miss to join us on the outside.  :)

cravings/aversions:  Truthfully nothing really.  Maybe white cheese dip still.  I really need to just eat some before I have this baby so I can say I did.  I'm pretty sure the dairy will make me feel like crap though.

movement:  She has actually slowed down over the last week.  Still a fair amount of movement in the evenings and middle of the night (which I'm sure will carry over after she is born, fantastic) but during the day I have to really concentrate on it.

sleep:  With all of the things on my to-do list and Christmas stuff, I didn't sleep much in the last week in general.  But overall I'm sleeping fine.

gender:  Girl

looking forward to:  Meeting this baby girl!  We're basically at that waiting stage point and I'm antsy.  It doesn't feel like it is going to happen any time soon, but it could!  Also call me Scrooge but I'm looking forward to taking down the Christmas decorations and getting my house back in order.  I love the decorations and the festiveness, but it always feels soooo good to get it down!

worries:  I'm a little anxious about changing up the family dynamic again.  I think Thea will be a good big sister, but she also plays the baby of the family pretty well, and as always, it breaks my heart to think of completely rocking her world.  I'm pretty sure Ryann and Elsie will be mostly unphased, and in general just enjoy the extra screen time they get when she is born.  HA.

best moment this week:  The wall paper and custom name sign we ordered arrived!  And they're on the wall and I'm in love.  And it was Christmas and I got a new computer and a new diaper bag and I've checked a few more things off my to-do list.  Just keep nesting, just keep nesting... :)


With the new wallpaper in the nursery and the belly in front of the Christmas tree.

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