January 2, 2018

thirty-seven weeks | baby five


Somehow over the last few days my blood pressure seems to have completely gone back to normal. We're surprised, my doctor is surprised, it is a mystery.  In theory that is a good thing, but I sure was hoping to meet baby girl sooner rather than later!  Everything checked out just fine at my appointment.  My doctor did struggle to find baby's heartbeat at first, and the silence in the room was painful.  It was maybe a total of two minutes?  But I think my heart stopped.  She did find it, and at first she thought it was tough to find because girlfriend was really low, but after she checked me decided that wasn't the case.  Baby is likely sunny side up.  Turn around girlie, I'd like you facing the appropriate way for delivery please!  At least she is head down though, I'll take that.

how far along:  37 weeks + 2 days (compare to 37 weeks with Ryann, Elsie and Thea)

size of baby:  A honeydew melon. Around 6 pounds and 19 inches long.

weight gain: +29 pounds. Going to see if I can hold steady for the next 10 days!

maternity clothes: Definitely.

symptoms:  Restless legs, back pain, constipation, swelling, and now I've somehow managed to pull the ligaments or muscles at the bottom of my belly.  Trying to lift my legs is near impossible.  But really, it could be much much worse.  I'd say I have a mild case of all of the above.  Do I waddle a bit when I walk?  Yes.  But I'm not dying.  :)

exercise:  I walked on the treadmill yesterday and this morning.  With the pain in my lower belly/pelvis area, I can't go more than 2.5mph.  It is kind of pathetic.  But it is better than nothing I hope.

cravings/aversions:  I really like the girahdelli dark chocolate chips with a handful of mixed nuts.  Still haven't gotten my white cheese dip fix.  If I'm not having this kid until next week, maybe we can accomplish that.

movement:  She just isn't moving as much.  I hate it, but I still would probably get the amount of kicks in that I needed if I was counting.

sleep:  Overall not too bad.  We've just been staying up too late in general!

gender:  Girl

looking forward to:  Baby's birth day.  Also everyone being back in school come Monday morning, lol.  I love my kids, but 2 glorious hours by myself in the house sounds fantastic.

worries:  Every day that goes by I get a little bit more worried that something will happen to our sweet girl before she is born.  A fairly irrational fear, I have no reason to believe anything will go wrong or that anything is wrong, but the anxiety is creeping back in.  The little incident this morning with the heartbeat certainly didn't help.  10 days or less, 10 days or less...

best moment this week:  Thea was sitting in my lap (or attempting to, not a lot of room there!) while I was reading her a book.  Baby sister was moving around and pushing on her.  Thea was giggling and saying "Stop it!  Stop it sister!  You tickling me!"  It was adorable.  Man I hope Thea doesn't hate me when we bring home this baby.

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