Yesterday was a lovely day. Granted I am exhausted, but hey. Good times come at a price right? :o)
First of all, I was laying in bed with Chris and my phone rang... the number read 000123456. Um no thanks, I'll pass on picking that one up. But a couple of minutes later it called again, Chris said "well its not like your phone is going to get a virus" so I answered, after a few "hellos?" back and forth I found it was Christin!! My long lost friend who is spending a year teaching in China! I haven't heard her voice in a long time, so it was great to finally hear from her. She is coming home the end of June and I can't wait!
Then I spent the morning at the Perfect Wedding Guide Bridal Fair with my bestie Meaghan. I am so excited to help her plan her wedding, and of course even more excited that she is getting married! It was fun to walk around and check out the different vendors. The photographers were all about handing me business cards, because of course I must need a photographer for that little one on the way. Thanks but no thanks, the only photographers I'll be hanging out with are Adrienne or Annie! :o)
When I arrived back at my house, some girls from work were there to have a baby shower! Jenn and I are due 12 days apart (I'm due first but I swear she is going to have her baby before me :o) so it was a party for the both of us.
For Jackie's 15 minutes of fame (love you Jackie!), here she is pouring some delicious punch that she made. I'll get back to you with the recipe on that one, it was really good!

The girls used toilet paper to try and guess how big around Jenn and I's bellies were. It was rather funny, and most people over estimated. I'm not sure if I should be happy about that or not... either way, in case you're interested, my belly is currently nine toilet paper squares around. Try that on for size. Pregnancy obsessed Jackie guessed the closest for both Jenn and I, being off only one square for each of us.

The delicious cake... it was marble cake on the inside with some chocolate filling, and probably some other stuff that I am unsure of. All I know is that it tasted great!

Stephanie made me an adorable little diaper cake. Aren't those shoes just precious?

And the group of girls who were there... no, Jenn and I did not both plan to wear green. Funny how things work out though, right? :o) Thanks girls for a great time!