October 31, 2009
bump check: 17 weeks

October 28, 2009
he told me not to...
October 25, 2009
take a tour

delicious little smokies

October 24, 2009
bump check: 16 weeks

October 17, 2009
bump check: 15 weeks
I told Chris I look like I ate too many hotdogs (I have no idea why I decided it was hotdogs) but nonetheless here is my baby bump as of today.

This week baby is roughly the size of a naval orange, 4 in from head to rump and weighing in at 2.5 oz. The baby is nearing normal proportions, with the legs now outmeasuring the arms. All four of the limbs have functional joints. I can't wait to feel them moving!
Other random notes, did you know being pregnant can change your vision? I wore glasses as a kid, but pretty much grew out of them by highschool and had 20/20 vision. Over the past week or so I've noticed it is harder for me to get things into focus, so I asked the doc. She said yep, the baby can do that to you! Really? She said it had something to do with the change of hormones and pressure in my body. Oh, and I might not want to bother getting any glasses or contacts because it will probably change again when the little bugger comes out. Who knew.
How far along: 15 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: -3 pounds
Maternity clothes: not really using them yet
Stretch marks?: nadda
Sleep: it varies, I slept through the night twice this week!
Best moment this week: scheduling our anatomy ultrasound
Movement: nothing yet
Food cravings: for today, pasta
Gender: still hoping for a girl :o)
What I miss: caesar salad from Panera
Milestones: having another healthy check-up
October 13, 2009
you know you're pregnant when...
Not because of anything bad of course! Chris was on call three nights in a row, and thanks to my work schedule and his schedule I didn't see him from Tuesday evening until Saturday morning. When came in the door Saturday I started crying. I felt ridiculous but I was so happy to see him!
you go to the grocery store, buy Pringles, and eat them on the way to McDonalds.
Yes, it happened. Am I proud of it? Not exactly. I didn't go to the store just for chips, we bought a weeks worth of groceries. But while we were there I decided I really wanted McDonalds for dinner, however on the way I got hungry. So sue me.
you are uncontrollably crying because you can't decide what to eat for dinner.
Chris, being the sweet husband that he is, called me on his way home from the hospital to see if I wanted him to pick up something for dinner. Absolutely nothing sounded good. He was throwing out options, and even offered to go to the grocery store and grab steaks to grill. I didn't want any of it. And I cried, and cried, and cried. So he came home and gave me hugs and started rambling off a few more things I could eat. What did I end up with? Pancake and sausage on a stick. Chris went to the store and got it for me. You should try it sometime, the breakfast version of a corndog!
phone commercials make you cry.
Yep the commercial where the little girl loses her dog, and Tyler Hansbrough is sitting on her step with the dog when she gets home? Gets me every time.
So being pregnant makes me cry a lot. On that note, here is a cute little onesie that Baby J will get to wear next October! Cute? I think so. :o)

p.s. Mark your calendars! We should find out if baby J is a boy or a girl November 10th! This is going to be a long four weeks!!!
October 11, 2009
fireplace bling
But I absolutely love the mirror! Now I am just at a loss of what to put on the mantel. I'm thinking matching vases with something, but who knows. Any thoughts?

October 10, 2009
bump check: 14 weeks

October 8, 2009
some new additions

October 5, 2009
meet baby j
In this first pic, no offense to baby, I think s/he looks pretty creepy. Baby is looking right at you.

In this one you can see the back of baby's head, an arm and two hands.

And here is baby's profile. Do you think baby looks like me? :o)

We actually had to have this ultrasound done twice. This first day we went in baby was constantly looking at as, making it impossible for the tech to get the measurements she needed. She even had me pee twice and jump up and down to try and get the baby to turn the way she wanted, but no luck.
We watched the baby squirm around, A LOT! I didn't know such a little thing would be moving around so much. Baby even got the hiccups. It was absolutely hilarious.
The only bonus to non cooperative baby? I got to see baby two days in a row. Day two baby was still extra wiggly, but the tech managed to get the look she needed. My mom came to the ultrasound... she said it looked like a crazy little boy moving around in there like that. I am going with it was a little girl dancing :o). I suppose we will find out in about six weeks or so!
And random tidbit for the day? I texted Chris today in the hopes that he would bring home hamburger helper and smores for dinner. He did. He loves me. :o)
October 4, 2009
bump check: 13 weeks
October 2, 2009
finding out
Towards the end of May, very beginning of June we decided that we were ready to parents. We weren't in any big rush, just decided that we were going to let whatever happened, happen. So we picked up some vitamins and stopped preventing a baby from happening :o).
Fast forward to July 17th, should be the start of my monthly fun. Nothing showed up so I took a pregnancy test. Definitely a negative. I was a little upset, but not crushed. Monday rolls around and still no sign of my monthly friend, but another pregnancy test comes back negative. I wait out the rest of the week, wake up Friday morning, take another test, it also comes back negative. At this point I've decided that because I'd only been off birth control for a few months (I stopped taking it in February, my new insurance didn't cover the particular brand of birth control I was taking) my cycle must be a little off, so I tried to calm my self down and let nature take its course.
Throughout the next week I started becoming a little more emotional, and slightly agitated I guess, because it was so frustrating that nothing was happening. I kept thinking if I'm not pregnant lets just get on with this already!
It was 5:15 in the morning (I can't say I'm a fan of the med school student schedule, especially when I don't have to work until 8:30!) on July 31st. Christin's wedding was this weekend, so seeing that my period still hadn't shown up, I decided I better take a pregnancy test just to make sure before I booze it up all weekend. With my eyes half closed I stumbled to the bathroom, pulled out a test and did my business. I washed my hands, brushed my teeth, and looked down just in time to see the blinking hour glass switch to PREGNANT.
What? Seirously? I fully expected it to say not pregnant, and then I would have chucked it in the trash and crawled back in bed. I was completely shocked. I contemplated not telling Chris just yet, I had an idea to give him an early birthday present that evening, but knowing his schedule, the weekend ahead, and the fact that there about a thousand thoughts and emotions running through my head, I changed my mind.
I walked into our bedroom, knocked on his bathroom door, and held the test up as he opened the door. The look on his face was priceless. Like he was completely confused at what he was seeing. Then he smiled and gave me a huge hug. Unfortunately he was then hurrying to get out the door and get to the hospital on time, while I was following him around the house saying "I can't believe it, seriously?".
The rest of the day I was a ball of nerves because I was so excited, and so scared at the same time.