August 19, 2012

week in iphone pics

This week was another pretty darn good one.  I kicked it off with a 4.75 mile run outside, and then Ryann and I spent several days at my parents, enjoying good food and good company.  The only downside was that someone though 4:45am was wake up time on more than a couple occasions.  Not okay kiddo, not okay.  But we pulled through.


morning run.  park time.  headed to grammy's.  early morning concert.  dragon riding.  'tight rope' walking.  snack time picnic.  bug hunting.  cheery morning.  mall horsey love.  playing dress-up.  my mini me.  13 week bloat baby.  riding a camel.  and an elephant.  tam tam's cooking.  pre 5k.  post 5k.  kid's run.  her medal (or pixie dust).  my little champion.

For the record, I 100% forced her to dress-up in my costume.  Like my dad held her (while she was laughing and giggling and trying to get away to go cause some trouble) while I dressed her.  She is by no means a girly girl.  She has no interest in dress up and tea parties and girly things.  She would much rather jump and climb and run and get into mischief.  My little tomboy.  I don't know why I'm surprised, I was too.

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